Claremont Colleges Working Papers in Economics, Department of Economics, Claremont McKenna College

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 141 bis 160 von 187
2000Household Decisions Regarding Charitable GiftsBrown, Eleanor; Slivinski, Al
2000Does Copyright Enforcement Encourage Piracy?Harbaugh, Rick; Khemka, Rahul
2000Greenbacks Uber Gridlock: REACH Task Force Shows L.A. How to Save Billions in Smog and Congestion CostsElliott, Ward
2000Conflicts of Interest in the Hollywood Film Industry: Coming to America - Tales from the Casting Couch, Gross and Net, in a Risky BusinessBorcherding, Thomas E.; Filson, Darren
2000Growth of Government And The Politics of Fiscal PolicyGhate, Chetan; Zak, Paul J.
2000Evolving Structural Change and Business Strategies in the U.S. Electricity IndustryJurewitz, John L.
2000EVA versus Earnings: Does it Matter which is More Highly Correlated with Stock Returns?Garvey, Gerald T.; Milbourn, Todd T.
2000Optimal Fiscal Policy in an Economy Facing Socio-Political InstabilityLe, Quan
2000Issue Cost and Method of IPO Underwriting: Japan's Change from Auction Method Pricing to Book BuildingKutsuna, Kenji; Smith, Richard L.
2000Endogenous Growth Through Government PolicyGhate, Chetan; Zak, Paul J.
2000Runaway Judges? Selection Effects and the JuryHelland, Eric; Taberrok, Alexander
2000Best Foot Forward or Best for Last in a Sequential Auction?Chakraborty, Archishman; Gupta, Nandini; Harbaugh, Rick
2000Did U.S. Agricultural Policy Lock Farmers into Wheat? The Capitalization of Farm Policies into Land Prices in the U.S and CanadaAlston, Lee J.; Rucker, Randal R.; Weidenmier, Marc D.
2000Price Discovery in Multiple-Dealer Markets: The Case of the Interbank Foreign Exchange MarketWilliams, Karyn L.
2000Genetics, Family Structure, and Economic GrowthZak, Paul J.
2000Zoning and the Distribution of Locational Rents: An Empirical Analysis of Harris County TexasGroves, Jeremy; Helland, Eric
2000The Nature and Effects of Technological Change Over the Industry Life CycleFilson, Darren
2000The Location of Women's Prisons and the Deterrence Effect of 'Harder' TimeBedard, Kelly; Helland, Eric
2000When Does Inflation Hurt Economic Growth? Different Nonlinearities for Different EconomiesBurdekin, Richard C.K.; Denzau, Arthur T.; Keil, Manfred W.; Sitthiyot, Thitithep; Willett, Thomas D.
2000Population Genetics and Economic GrowthZak, Paul J.; Park, Kwang Woo
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 141 bis 160 von 187