Kiel Working Papers, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)

ISSN: 0342-0787

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 221 bis 240 von 2282
2016Brazil's development cooperation: Following in China's and India's footsteps?Semrau, Finn-Ole; Thiele, Rainer
2016Firm size distribution and employment fluctuations: Theory and evidenceGörg, Holger; Henze, Philipp; Jienwatcharamongkhol, Viroj; Kopasker, Daniel; Molana, Hassan; Montagna, Catia; Sjöholm, Fredrik
2016Migration and FDI: Reconciling the standard trade theory with empirical evidenceJayet, Hubert; Marchal, Léa
2016Cooperation, motivation and social balanceBosworth, Steven; Singer, Tania; Snower, Dennis J.
2016The effectiveness of aid under post-conflict conditions: A sector-specific analysisDonaubauer, Julian; Herzer, Dierk; Nunnenkamp, Peter
2016Ben Bernanke in Doha: The effect of monetary policy on optimal tariffsLechthaler, Wolfgang
2016Not in my backyard: CCS storage sites and public perception of CCSBraun, Carola
2016Globalization and the markups of European firmsBékés, Gábor; Hornok, Cecília; Muraközy, Balázs
2016Bread and bulletsAkerlof, George A.; Snower, Dennis J.
2016Social comparison nudges: Guessing the norm increases charitable givingBartke, Simon; Friedl, Andreas; Gelhaar, Felix; Reh, Laura
2016Truth-telling and the regulator: Evidence from a field experiment with commercial fishermenDrupp, Moritz A.; Khadjavi, Menusch; Quaas, Martin F.
2016An evaluation of approaches for quantifying emissions from indirect land use changeDelzeit, Ruth; Klepper, Gernot; Söder, Mareike
2016Worker personality: Another skill bias beyond education in the digital ageBode, Eckhardt; Brunow, Stephan; Ott, Ingrid; Sorgner, Alina
2016Refugees welcome? Introducing a new dataset on anti-refugee violence in Germany, 2014-2015Benček, David; Strasheim, Julia
2016Friendly fire - the trade impact of the Russia sanctions and counter-sanctionsCrozet, Matthieu; Hinz, Julian
2016Management practices and productivity in GermanyBroszeit, Sandra; Fritsch, Ursula; Görg, Holger; Laible, Marie-Christine
2016Anomalous empirical evidence on money long-run super-neutrality and the vertical long-run Phillips curveVaona, Andrea
2016Exploring public perception of environmental technology over timeBraun, Carola; Rehdanz, Katrin; Schmidt, Ulrich
2016Do markets (institutions) drive out lemmings - or vice versa?Morone, Andrea; Nuzzo, Simone
2016How the baby boomers' retirement wave distorts model-based output gap estimatesWolters, Maik H.
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 221 bis 240 von 2282
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