Kiel Working Papers, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)

ISSN: 0342-0787

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 381 bis 400 von 2282
2014The minimum wage from a two-sided perspectiveBrown, Alessio J. G.; Merkl, Christian; Snower, Dennis J.
2014Measuring individual risk attitudes in the lab: Task or ask? An empirical comparisonLönnqvist, Jan-Erik; Verkasalo, Markku; Walkowitz, Gari; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2014Some surprising facts about working time accounts and the business cycleBalleer, Almut; Gehrke, Britta; Merkl, Christian
2013Contingent trade policy and economic efficiencyMcCalman, Phillip; Stähler, Frank; Willmann, Gerald
2013EU biofuel policies in practise: A carbon map for Kalimantan and SumatraLange, Mareike
2013Monetary union and macroeconomic stabilizationGroll, Dominik
2013Distant event, local effects? Fukushima and the German housing marketBauer, Thomas K.; Braun, Sebastian; Kvasnicka, Michael
2013Der Einfluss des Erdölpreises auf die EnergiesteuerprognoseBoysen-Hogrefe, Jens
2013Foreign ownership and the extensive margins of exports: Evidence for manufacturing enterprises in GermanyRaff, Horst; Wagner, Joachim
2013Empirical characteristics of legal and illegal immigrants in the USCaponi, Vincenzo; Plesca, Miana
2013Financial stress and economic dynamics: An application to FranceAboura, Sofiane; van Roye, Björn
2013Export market exit, financial pressure and the crisisGörg, Holger; Spaliara, Marina-Eliza
2013Cascades in real interbank marketsKarimi, Fariba; Raddant, Matthias
2013Household formation and residential energy demand: Evidence from JapanSchröder, Carsten; Rehdanz, Katrin; Narita, Daiju; Okubo, Toshihiro
2013The returns to occupational foreign language use: Evidence from GermanyStöhr, Tobias
2013The use of collateral in formal and informal lendingKislat, Carmen; Menkhoff, Lukas; Neuberger, Doris
2013Suppliers of multinationals and the forced linkage effect: Evidence from firm level dataGodart, Olivier N.; Görg, Holger
2013Night lights and regional GDPBickenbach, Frank; Bode, Eckhardt; Lange, Mareike; Nunnenkamp, Peter
2013Establishing a sustainable development goal for oceans and coasts to face the challenges of our future oceanVisbeck, Martin; Kronfeld-Goharani, Ulrike; Neumann, Barbara; Rickels, Wilfried; Schmidt, Jörn; van Doorn, Erik
2013Is organic farming worth its investment? The adoption and impact of certified pineapple farming in GhanaKleemann, Linda; Abdulai, Awudu; Buss, Mareike
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 381 bis 400 von 2282
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