Accepted Articles, EconStor Direct

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 621 bis 640 von 1615
2019Wage Dynamics and Bulgaria: Co-movement and CausalityVasilev, Aleksandar; Manolova, Hristina
2019Digitalisierung und Wandel der globalen Arbeitsteilung. Industriearbeit im WandelKrzywdzinski, Martin
2019Cancer survivors in the labor market: Evidence from recent US micro-panel dataOsmani, Ahmad Reshad; Okunade, Albert A.
2019Greed and fear in downstream R&D gamesKarbowski, Adam
2019Leader Empowering Behaviors and Psychological Empowerment as Perceived by Young Hospital Staff Nurses: A Pilot StudyOducado, Ryan Michael
2019Zur Geschichte und Theorie des Globalen Konstitutionalismus. Gegenwärtige Herausforderungen des Globalen KonstitutionalismusKumm, Mattias
2019The drivers of institutional change in a post-socialist economy: The case of deposit insurance introduction in RussiaVernikov, Andrei
2019The International Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy Rates and QE: Credit Supply, Reach-for-Yield, and Real EffectsMorais, Bernardo; Peydró, José-Luis; Roldán Peña, Jessica; Ruiz Ortega, Claudia
2019Eine kritische Theorie transnationaler (Un-)GerechtigkeitForst, Rainer
2019Progressive taxation and (in)stability in an exogenous growth model with non-market ("home") productionVasilev, Aleksandar
2019Meta-AnalysisDunning, Thad; Bicalho, Clara; Chowdhury, Anirvan; Grossman, Guy; Humphreys, Macartan; Hyde, Susan D.; McIntosh, Craig; Nellis, Gareth
2019Diverging Europe: The Political Consequences of the Crises in a Comparative PerspectiveHutter, Swen; Altiparmakis, Argyrios; Vidal, Guillem
2019Souveränität: Dynamisierung und Kontestation in der digitalen KonstellationThiel, Thorsten
2019Unequal Training Participation and Training Experience at the Digital Work Place - An Interdisciplinary StudyVladova, Gergana; Wotschack, Philip
2019Alte Herrschaft in digitalen Gewändern? Der Arbeitsprozess auf Crowdwork-PlattformenGerber, Christine
2019The Relationship between the Economic and Financial Crises and Unemployment Rate in the European Union: How Institutions Affected Their Linkage?Jianu, Ionuț
2019Anhang: Auswertung der BetriebsratsbefragungSchwarz-Kocher, Martin; Kutlu, Yalcin; Krzywdzinski, Martin
2019Core-Periphery ModelKlimczuk, Andrzej; Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena
2019Think tank networks and the knowledge-interest nexus. The case of climate changePlehwe, Dieter
2019Cost efficiency and welfare performance of banks: Evidence from an emerging economyAdeabah, David; Andoh, Charles
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 621 bis 640 von 1615
Auch gelistet in RePEc / EconPapers