Discussion Papers of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 593
2021Capitalism: What has gone wrong? Who went wrong? Capitalism? The market economy? Governments? "Neoliberal" economics?Hellwig, Martin
2021Crime as conditional rule violationEngel, Christoph
2021How do people trade off resources between quick and slow learners?Falch, Ranveig
2021Children's patience and schooltrack choices several years later: Linking experimental and field dataAngerer, Silvia; Bolvashenkova, Jana; Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela; Lergetporer, Philipp; Sutter, Matthias
2021Religion and tradition in conflict: Experimentally testing the power of social norms to invalidate religious lawEngel, Christoph; Heine, Klaus; Naseer, Shaheen
2021Public-good provision with macro uncertainty about preferences: Efficiency, budget balance, and robustnessHellwig, Martin
2021Improving workplace climate in large corporations: A clustered randomized interventionAlan, Sule; Corekcioglu, Gozde; Sutter, Matthias
2021Parental paternalism and patienceKiessling, Lukas; Chowdhury, Shyamal K.; Schildberg-Hörisch, Hannah; Sutter, Matthias
2021Social choice in large populations with single-peaked preferencesHellwig, Martin
2021Wettbewerb und GemeinwohlEngel, Christoph
2021Competitiveness of entrepreneurs and salaried workersBalafoutas, Loukas; Batsaikhan, Mongoljin; Sutter, Matthias
2021The roots of cooperationBašić, Zvonimir; Bindra, Parampreet Christopher; Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela; Romano, Angelo; Sutter, Matthias; Zoller, Claudia
2021Der Umgang mit Empirie beim Nachweis von DiskriminierungTowfigh, Emanuel V.
2021Income risk, precautionary saving, and loss aversion: An empirical testIbanez, Marcela; Schneider, Sebastian O.
2020Does the fundamental transformation deter trade? An experimentEngel, Christoph; Helland, Eric
2020Psychological pressure and the right to determine the moves in dynamic tournaments: Evidence from a natural field experimentKassis, Mark; Schmidt, Sascha Leonard; Schreyer, Dominik; Sutter, Matthias
2020Property taxes and dynamic inefficiency: A orrection of a "correction"Hellwig, Martin
2020Discrimination, narratives and family history: An experiment with Jordanian host and Syrian refugee childrenBarron, Kai; Harmgart, Heike; Huck, Steffen; Schneider, Sebastian O.; Sutter, Matthias
2020Monetary and social incentives in multi-tasking: The ranking substitution effectStefan, Matthias; Huber, Jürgen; Kirchler, Michael; Sutter, Matthias; Walzl, Markus
2020Manna from heaven for judges: Judges' reaction to a quasi-random reduction in caseloadEngel, Christoph; Weinshall, Keren
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 593
Auch gelistet in RePEc / EconPapers