Discussion Papers of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 401 bis 420 von 593
2008Construction of probabilistic inferences by constraint satisfaction?Glöckner, Andreas; Betsch, Tilmann; Schindler, Nicola
2008Base-rate respect by intuition: Approximating rational choices in base-rate tasks with multiple cuesGlöckner, Andreas; Dickert, Stephan
2008How evolution outwits bounded rationality: the efficient interaction of automatic and deliberate processes in decision making and implications for institutionsGlöckner, Andreas
2008Corporate governance and incentive contracts: historical evidence from a legal reformBayer, Christian; Burhop, Carsten
2008Pharmaceutical research in Wilhelmine Germany: the case of E. MerckBurhop, Carsten
2008Preponderance of the evidence versus intime conviction: a behavioural perspective on a conflict between American and continental European lawEngel, Christoph
2008A unified approach to the revelation of public goods preferences and to optimal income taxationBierbrauer, Felix
2008The underpricing of initial public offerings in imperial Germany, 1870-1896Burhop, Carsten
2008Cartels, managerial incentives, and productive efficiency in German coal mining, 1881-1913Burhop, Carsten; Lübbers, Thorsten
2008Giving or taking: the role of dispositional power Motivation and positive affect in profit maximization?Quirin, Markus; Beckenkamp, Martin; Kuhl, Julius
2008Do people make decisions under risk based on ignorance?: an empirical test of the priority heuristic against cumulative prospect theoryGlöckner, Andreas; Betsch, Tilmann
2008Systemic risk in the financial sector: an analysis of the subprime-mortgage financial crisisHellwig, Martin
2008A generalization of the Atkinson-Stiglitz (1976) Theorem on the undesirability of nonuniform excise taxationHellwig, Martin
2008Incentives and innovation? R&D management in Germany's high-tech industries during the second industrial revolutionBurhop, Carsten; Lübbers, Thorsten
2007Die verfassungsrechtliche Zulässigkeit eines Entflechtungstatbestandes im Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen als ultima ratio zur Beseitigung eines WettbewerbsversagensEngel, Christoph
2007Die Gesellschaft Bürgerlichen Rechts als Corporate ActorBauer, Denise
2007Contribution to the theory of optimal utilitarian income taxationHellwig, Martin
2007Competition in a pure world of Internet telephonyEngel, Christoph
2007Better than conscious?: the brain, the psyche, behavior, and institutionsEngel, Christoph; Singer, Wolf
2007An economic analysis of trade-secret protection in buyer-seller relationshipsBechtold, Stefan; Höffler, Felix
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 401 bis 420 von 593
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