Discussion Papers of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 80 von 593
2020Challenges in the interdisciplinary use of comparative lawEngel, Christoph
2020Justice is in the eyes of the beholder: Eye tracking evidence on balancing normative concerns in torts casesEngel, Christoph; Rahal, Rima Maria
2020Reveal it or conceal it: On the value of second opinions in a low-entry-barriers credence goods marketBindra, Parampreet Christopher; Kerschbamer, Rudolf; Neururer, Daniel; Sutter, Matthias
2020Dynamic inefficiency and fiscal interventions in an economy with land and transaction costsHellwig, Martin
2020The breakdown of anti-racist norms: A natural experiment on normative uncertainty after terrorist attacksÁlvarez-Benjumea, Amalia; Winter, Fabian
2020Rechtswissenschaft als Sozialwissenschaft: Spurensuche im Jahrgang 2019 der ZGREngel, Christoph
2020How do parents perceive the returns to parenting styles and neighborhoods?Kiessling, Lukas
2020Twelve Years after the Financial Crisis – Too-big-to-fail is still with us. Comments on the Financial Stability Board's Consultation Report 'Evaluation of the Effects of Too-big-to-fail reforms'Hellwig, Martin
2020Trustworthiness in the financial industryGill, Andrej; Heinz, Matthias; Schumacher, Heiner; Sutter, Matthias
2020Political ideology, cooperation, and national parochialism across 42 nationsRomano, Angelo; Sutter, Matthias; Hou-fu Liu, James; Balliet, Daniel
2020Higher order risk preferences: New experimental measures, determinants and field behaviorSchneider, Sebastian O.; Sutter, Matthias
2020Fines versus damages: Experimental evidence on care investmentsBaumann, Florian; Friehe, Tim; Langenbach, Pascal
2020Diagnostic uncertainty and insurance coverage in credence goods marketsBalafoutas, Loukas; Fornwagner, Helena; Kerschbamer, Rudolf; Sutter, Matthias; Tverdostup, Maryna
2020Property is dummy proof: An experimentBar-Gill, Oren; Engel, Christoph
2020Personal norms - and not only social norms - shape economic behaviorBaési´c, Zvonimir; Verrina, Eugenio
2020Incomplete-information games in large populations with anonymityHellwig, Martin
2020Salience, incentives, and timely compliance: Evidence from speeding ticketsDusek, Libor; Pardo, Nicolas; Traxler, Christian
2020Financial literacy, risk and time preferences: Results from a randomized educational interventionSutter, Matthias; Weyland, Michael; Untertrifaller, Anna; Froitzheim, Manuel
2020Do rights to resistance discipline the elites? An experiment on the threat of overthrowChatziathanasiou, Konstantin; Hippel, Svenja; Kurschilgen, Michael
2020The influence of self and social image concerns on lyingBašic, Zvonimir; Quercia, Simone
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 80 von 593
Auch gelistet in RePEc / EconPapers