Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy, Sciendo

ISSN: 1613-964X

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 581 to 600 of 4468
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2015The QE trapMeltzer, Allan H.
2015Currency interventions: Effective policy tool or shortsighted gamble?Pilbeam, Keith; Bris, Arturo; Alcidi, Cinzia; Barslund, Mikkel; De Groen, Willem Pieter; Gros, Daniel
2015TTIP: Political and economic rationale and implicationsPelkmans, Jacques; Lee, Thea M.; Mustilli, Federica; Cernat, Lucian; Norman-López, Ana; Tucci, Alessandra; Goyens, Monique; Auffret, Léa; Kolev, Galina V.; Matthes, Jürgen
2015Did the ECB overstep its mandate? Assessing deflationary risks in the euro areaFritsche, Ulrich; Tarassow, Artur
2015Bringing inequality back inBoushey, Heather
2015Will the politics or economics of deflation prove more harmful?Blyth, Mark
2015Network neutrality in the EU, Canada and the U.S.Frieden, Rob
2015The behavioural turn in consumer policy: Perspectives and clarificationsBogliacino, Francesco; Codagnone, Cristiano; Veltri, Giuseppe Alessandro
2015Greece's new agreement with Europe: Is this time different?Kazarian, Paul B.; Pelagidis, Theodore
2015Economic growth and convergence in the Baltic states: Caught in a middle-income trap?Staehr, Karsten
2015Trade with China, inequality and policy responsesLechthaler, Wolfgang; Mileva, Mariya
2015The co-decision trap: How the co-decision procedure hindered CAP reformLovec, Marko; Erjavec, Emil
2015Should central banks manage the exchange rate?Straubhaar, Thomas
2015Structural reforms in the EU: Policy prescriptions to boost productivityBanerji, Angana; Dabla-Norris, Era; Kim, Minsuk; Zdzienicka, Aleksandra; Roeger, Werner; Varga, Janos; in 't Veld, Jan; Hassler, John; Andrews, Dan
2015Intellectual property rights and the evergreening of pharmaceuticalsBoscheck, Ralf
2015Monetary financing in the euro area: A free lunch?Tober, Silke
2015The stability and growth pact, and balanced budget fiscal stimulus: Evidence from Germany and ItalyKaragounis, Konstantinos; Syrrakos, Dimitrios; Simister, John
2015Cost recovery for water services in the EUGawel, Erik
2015The future of the European power marketGenoese, Fabio; Egenhofer, Christian; Hogan, Michael; Redl, Christian; Steigenberger, Markus; Graichen, Patrick; Weale, Graham
2015External imbalances in the EU: A REER-based explanationKutasi, Gábor
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 581 to 600 of 4468