Working Paper Series in Economics, Institute of Economics (ECON), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

ISSN: 2190-9806

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 164
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2019Structures of rational behavior in economicsFuchs-Seliger, Susanne
2019Cognitive abilities and inflation expectationsD'Acunto, Francesco; Hoang, Daniel; Paloviita, Maritta; Weber, Michael
2019Testing for an omitted multiplicative long-term component in GARCH modelsConrad, Christian; Schienle, Melanie
2019Human frictions in the transmission of economic policyD'Acunto, Francesco; Hoang, Daniel; Paloviita, Maritta; Weber, Michael
2018Information nudges and self-controlMariotti, Thomas; Schweizer, Nikolaus; Szech, Nora; von Wangenheim, Jonas
2018Epidemiological spreading of mortgage defaultSchweikert, Jochen; Höchstötter, Markus
2018Dilution effects, population growth and economic growth under human capital accumulation and endogenous technological changeBucci, Alberto; Eraydın, Levent; Müller, Moritz
2018The economics of capital allocation in firms: Evidence from internal capital marketsHoang, Daniel; Gatzer, Sebastian; Ruckes, Martin E.
2018On robust stopping times for detecting changes in distributionGolubev, Yuri; Safarian, Mher M.
2018Testing the improved third vote during the 2018 election of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology student parliamentTangian, Andranik S.
2018The (in)elasticity of moral ignoranceSerra-Garcia, Marta; Szech, Nora
2018Unconventional fiscal policyD'Acunto, Francesco; Hoang, Daniel; Weber, Michael
2018Methodological notes on composite indicators for monitoring working conditionsTangian, Andranik S.
2017Animal welfare and human ethics: A personality studyAlbrecht, Konstanze; Krämer, Florentin; Szech, Nora
2017Physical distance and cooperativeness towards strangersKühl, Leonie; Szech, Nora
2017Policy representation by the 2017 BundestagTangian, Andranik S.
2017Declining labor-labor exchange rates as a cause of inequality growthTangian, Andranik S.
2017Policy representation by German parties at the 2017 federal electionTangian, Andranik S.
2017The multiplier effect in two-sided markets with bilateral investmentsDizdar, Deniz; Moldovanu, Benny; Szech, Nora
2017Design and results of the third vote experiment during the 2017 election of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology student parliamentTangian, Andranik S.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 164
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