ETLA Discussion Papers, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA)

ISSN: 0781-6847

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 421 bis 440 von 837
2003The micro-level dynamics of regional productivity growth: The source of divergence in FinlandBöckerman, Petri; Maliranta, Mika
2003The economics of strategic R&D alliances: A review with focus on the ICT sectorPalmberg, Christopher; Martikainen, Olli
2003Knowledge-intensive services and competitiveness of the forest cluster: Case FinlandViitamo, Esa
2003On forest rotation undet interest rate variabilityAlvarez, Luis H.R.; Koskela, Erkki
2003Overcoming a technological discontinuity: The case of the Finnish telecom industry and the GSMPalmberg, Christopher; Martikainen, Olli
2003Yrityspalveluiden kasvu, kansainvälistyminen ja kilpailukykyMankinen, Reijo
2003Economic inequality and household production: The effects of spezalization of gendersHeikkilä, Anni; Piekkola, Hannu
2003Flexibility and competitiveness: Labour market flexibility, innovation and organisational performance. Finnish national reportAsplund, Rita
2003Tuotekehitys, toimialojen panos-tuotosrakenteen muutokset ja talouden kasvuRantala, Olavi
2003Price markups and R&D inputs: The pharmaceutical industry in Finland and the USAHermans, Raine; Linnosmaa, Ismo
2003Does public funding have a halo effect? Evidence from Finnish SMEsVäänänen, Lotta
2003Waiting for F/OSS: Coordinating the production of free/open source softwareStenborg, Markku
2003Do financial constraints hold back innovation and growth? Evidence on the role of public policyHyytinen, Ari; Toivanen, Otto
2003Distribution of intellectual property rights and the development of technology suppliersPaija, Laura
2003Strategic alliances, joint investments, and market structureEerola, Essi; Määttänen, Niku
2003Productivity effects of ICT in Finnish businessMaliranta, Mika; Rouvinen, Petri
2003Environmental quality competition and eco-labelingAmacher, Gregory S.; Koskela, Erkki; Ollikainen, Markku
2003New economic geography of market potential: Innovation intensity and labor structure in EU regionsHermans, Raine
2003Technology, labor characteristics and wage-productivity gapsIlmakunnas, Pekka; Maliranta, Mika
2003Profit sharing and unemployment: An approach with bargaining and efficiency wage effectsKoskela, Erkki; Stenbacka, Rune
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 421 bis 440 von 837