IAB-Discussion Paper, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB)

ISSN: 2195-2663

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 241 bis 260 von 556
2015Long-run processes of geographical concentration and dispersion: Evidence from GermanyDauth, Wolfgang; Fuchs, Michaela; Otto, Anne
2015Measuring hours worked in Germany: Contents, data and methodological essentials of the IAB working time measurement conceptWanger, Susanne; Weigand, Roland; Zapf, Ines
2015Higher wages or lower expectations? Adjustments of German firms in the hiring processBrenzel, Hanna; Müller, Anne
2015Location choice of German multinationals in the Czech Republic: The importance of agglomeration economiesHecht, Veronika
2015Detecting unemployment hysteresis: A simultaneous unobserved components model with Markov switchingKlinger, Sabine; Weber, Enzo
2015Who profits from working-time accounts? Empirical evidence on the determinants of working-time accounts on the employers' and employees' sideZapf, Ines
2015Endogenizing take-up of social assistance in a microsimulation model: A case study for GermanyWiemers, Jürgen
2015Individual and workplace-specific determinants of paid and unpaid overtime work in GermanyZapf, Ines
2015The productivity effect of migrants: Wage cost advantages and heterogeneous firmsLucht, Michael; Haas, Anette
2015Exports, agglomeration and workforce diversity: An empirical assessment for German establishmentsBrunow, Stephan; Grünwald, Luise
2015Offshoring of medium-skill jobs, polarization, and productivity effect: Implications for wages and low-skill unemploymentVallizadeh, Ehsan; Muysken, Joan; Ziesemer, Thomas
2015Under heavy pressure: Intense monitoring and accumulation of sanctions for young welfare recipients in Germanyvan den Berg, Gerard; Uhlendorff, Arne; Wolff, Joachim
2015Job mobility as a new explanation for the immigrant-native wage gap: A longitudinal analysis for the German labor marketBrenzel, Hanna; Reichelt, Malte
2015Empirische Maße zur Erfassung von Armut und materiellen Lebensbedingungen: Ansätze und Konzepte im ÜberblickChristoph, Bernhard
2015The role of innovation and agglomeration for employment growth in the environmental sectorHorbach, Jens; Janser, Markus
2015Verheißung oder Bedrohung? Die Arbeitsmarktwirkungen einer vierten industriellen RevolutionMöller, Joachim
2015Long-term unemployment and labor force participation: A decomposition of unemployment to test for the discouragement and added worker hypothesesFuchs, Johann; Weber, Enzo
2015Measuring the use of human resources practices and employee attitudes: The Linked Personnel PanelKampkötter, Patrick; Mohrenweiser, Jens; Sliwka, Dirk; Steffes, Susanne; Wolter, Stefanie
2015Wages in high-tech start-ups: Do academic spin-offs pay a wage premium?Dorner, Matthias; Fryges, Helmut; Schopen, Kathrin
2015Factor structural time series models for official statistics with an application to hours worked in GermanyWeigand, Roland; Wanger, Susanne; Zapf, Ines
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 241 bis 260 von 556