IAB-Discussion Paper, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB)

ISSN: 2195-2663

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 556
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Quantifying the effect of labor market size on learning externalitiesPeters, Jan Cornelius
2017Identifying asymmetric effects of labor market reformsGehrke, Britta; Weber, Enzo
2017Job matching on connected regional and occupational labor marketsFedorets, Alexandra; Stops, Michael; Lottmann, Franziska
2017Cohort size and transitions into the labour marketRoth, Duncan
2017Does participating in a panel survey change respondents' labor market behavior?Bach, Ruben L.; Eckman, Stephanie
2017The fall of the labour income share: The role of technological change and imperfect labour marketsCarbonero, Francesco; Offermanns, Christian J.; Weber, Enzo
2017Wage losses due to overqualification: The role of formal degrees and occupational skillsKracke, Nancy; Reichelt, Malte; Vicari, Basha
2017Weiterbildungsbeteiligung in Deutschland: Auswertungen mit den Daten der Erwachsenenbefragung des Nationalen Bildungspanels "Bildung im Erwachsenenalter und lebenslanges Lernen"Kruppe, Thomas; Trepesch, Merlind
2017Forecasting labour supply and population: An integrated stochastic modelFuchs, Johann; Söhnlein, Doris; Weber, Brigitte; Weber, Enzo
2017German robots: The impact of industrial robots on workersDauth, Wolfgang; Findeisen, Sebastian; Südekum, Jens; Wößner, Nicole
2017Resilience among vulnerable households in Europe: Questions, concept, findings and implicationsPromberger, Markus
2016The migration of professionals within the EU: Any barriers left?Capuano, Stella; Migali, Silvia
2016Beschäftigungseffekte von Ein-Euro-Jobs in den EinsatzbetriebenDummert, Sandra; Hohendanner, Christian
2016The growth and human capital atructure of new firms over the business cycleBrixy, Udo; Murmann, Martin
2016The role of sickness in the evaluation of job search assistance and sanctionsvan den Berg, Gerard J.; Hofmann, Barbara; Uhlendorff, Arne
2016Employment effects of the new German minimum wage: Evidence from establishment-level micro dataBossler, Mario; Gerner, Hans-Dieter
2016Natives and migrants in home production: The case of GermanyForlani, Emanuele; Lodigiani, Elisabetta; Mendolicchio, Concetta
2016Effectiveness of sequences of classroom training for welfare recipients: What works best in West Germany?Dengler, Katharina
2016Occupation-specific matching efficiencyDengler, Katharina; Stops, Michael; Vicari, Basha
2016Inter-industry labor flowsNeffke, Frank; Otto, Anne; Weyh, Antje
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 556