IAB-Discussion Paper, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB)

ISSN: 2195-2663

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 556
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012Worker flows in Germany: Inspecting the time aggregation biasNordmeier, Daniela
2012Do reservation wages react to regional unemployment?Blien, Uwe; Messmann, Susanne; Trappmann, Mark
2012Workplace heterogeneity and the rise of West Germany wage inequalityCard, David; Heining, Jörg; Kline, Patrick
2012Mothers and daughters: Heterogeneity of German direct investments in the Czech Republic. Evidence from the IAB-ReLOC surveyMünich, Daniel; Srholec, Martin; Moritz, Michael; Schäffler, Johannes
2012Employers' selection behavior during short-time workScholz, Theresa
2012Decomposing beveridge curve dynamics by correlated unobserved componentsKlinger, Sabine; Weber, Enzo
2012Profiles of local growth and industrial change: Facts and an explanationDauth, Wolfgang; Südekum, Jens
2012Human capital mobility and convergence: A spatial dynamic panel model of the German regionsKubis, Alexander; Schneider, Lutz
2012Job matching across occupational labour marketsStops, Michael
2012Selektivität beim Zugang in Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen: Die Bedeutung individueller und struktureller Determinanten am Beispiel der Initiative zur Flankierung des StrukturwandelsFertig, Michael; Osiander, Christopher
2012The rise of the East and the far East: German labor markets and trade integrationDauth, Wolfgang; Findeisen, Sebastian; Suedekum, Jens
2012Ostdeutsche, westdeutsche und ost-west-mobile Mütter im VergleichGrunow, Daniela; Müller, Dana
2012The formation of experts' expectations on labour markets: Do they run with the pack?Schanne, Norbert
2012Assortative matching through signalsPoeschel, Friedrich
2012Wage growth and career patterns of German low-wage workersStephani, Jens
2012Berufliche Statusmobilität von Arbeitslosen nach beruflicher Weiterbildung: Ein empirischer Beitrag zur Evaluation der Förderung beruflicher WeiterbildungDeeke, Axel; Baas, Meike
2012Asymmetric information and overeducationMendolicchio, Concetta; Paolini, Dimitri; Pietra, Tito
2012International trade, technical change and wage inequality in the UK economyEngelmann, Sabine
2012Between familial imprinting and institutional regulation: Family related employment interruptions of women in Germany before and after the German reunificationDrasch, Katrin
2012Determinanten der Weiterbildungsbereitschaft gering qualifizierter ArbeitsloserOsiander, Christopher
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 556