IAB-Discussion Paper, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB)

ISSN: 2195-2663

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 556
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012Skill-biased labor market reforms and international competitivenessSchmerer, Hans-Jörg
2012Do literacy and numeracy pay off? On the relationship between basic skills and earningsAntoni, Manfred; Heineck, Guido
2012Foreign direct investment and search unemployment theory and evidenceSchmerer, Hans-Jörg
2012International trade and collective bargaining outcomes: Evidence from German employer-employee dataFelbermayr, Gabriel; Hauptmann, Andreas; Schmerer, Hans-Jörg
2012Examining the roots of homelessness: The impact of regional housing market conditions and the social environment on homelessness in North-Rhine-Westphalia, GermanyKröll, Alexandra; Farhauer, Oliver
2012The time trend in the matching functionPoeschel, Friedrich
2012Wage bargaining in Germany: The role of works councils and opening clausesEllguth, Peter; Gerner, Hans-Dieter; Stegmaier, Jens
2012Are real entry wages rigid over the business cycle? Empirical evidence for Germany from 1977 to 2009Stüber, Heiko
2012Effectiveness of further vocational training in Germany: Empirical findings for persons receiving means-tested unemployment benefitBernhard, Sarah; Kruppe, Thomas
2011Lifelong learning inequality? The relevance of family background for on-the-job trainingAntoni, Manfred
2011Does higher education help immigrants find a job? A survival analysisBrück-Klingberg, Andrea; Burkert, Carola; Garloff, Alfred; Seibert, Holger; Wapler, Rüdiger
2011Persistence of regional unemployment: Application of a spatial filtering approach to local labour markets in GermanyPatuelli, Roberto; Schanne, Norbert; Griffith, Daniel A.; Nijkamp, Peter
2011Low-wage jobs - stepping stones or just bad signals?Mosthaf, Alexander
2011The gender gap of returns on education across West European countriesMendolicchio, Concetta; Rhein, Thomas
2011Low-wage jobs: A means for employment integration of the unemployed? Evidence from administrative data in Germany and AustriaGrün, Carola; Mahringer, Helmut; Rhein, Thomas
2011Income taxes, subsidies to education, and investments in human capitalMendolicchio, Concetta; Paolini, Dimitri; Pietra, Tito
2011The outcome of coaching and training for self-employment: A statistical evaluation of non-financial support schemes for unemployment business founders in GermanyOberschachtsiek, Dirk; Scioch, Patrycja
2011Trade liberalisation, technical change and skill-specific unemploymentEngelmann, Sabine
2011Lone mothers' participation in labor market programs for means-tested benefit recipients in GermanyZabel, Cordula
2011Arbeitsmarktvermittelte Abgänge aus der GrundsicherungAchatz, Juliane; Trappmann, Mark
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 556