University of Tübingen Working Papers in Business and Economics

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 158
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Global integration and world migrationStark, Oded
2017A critical comparison of migration policies: Entry fee versus quotaStark, Oded; Byra, Lukasz; Casarico, Alessandra; Übelmesser, Silke
2017An adverse social welfare consequence of a rich-to-poor income transfer: A relative deprivation approachStark, Oded; Kosiorowski, Grzegorz; Jakubek, Marcin
2017Contracting institutions and firm boundariesEppinger, Peter S.; Kukharskyy, Bohdan
2017Asymmetric information in simple bargaining games: An experimental studyKlempt, Charlotte; Pull, Kerstin; Stadler, Manfred
2016Will a government find it financially easier to neutralize a looming protest if more groups are involved?Stark, Oded; Zawojska, Ewa
2016Can a concern for status reconcile diverse social welfare programs?Stark, Oded; Jakubek, Marcin
2016Blindfolded vs. informed ultimatum bargaining: A theoretical and experimental analysisGüth, Werner; Pull, Kerstin; Stadler, Manfred; Zaby, Alexandra
2016The great trade collapse and the Spanish export miracle: Firm-level evidence from the crisisEppinger, Peter S.; Meythaler, Nicole; Sindlinger, Marc-Manuel; Smolka, Marcel
2015Three-person envy games: Experimental evidence and a stylized modelBäker, Agnes; Güth, Werner; Pull, Kerstin; Stadler, Manfred
2015Engineering an incentive to search for work: A comparison groups approachStark, Oded; Jakubek, Marcin; Kobus, Martyna
2015How inheriting affects bequest plansStark, Oded; Nicinska, Anna
2015Relational contracts and global sourcingKukharskyy, Bohdan
2015European monetary integration and aggregate relative deprivation: The dull side of the shiny euroStark, Oded; Wlodarczyk, Julia
2015Econometric analysis of the wealth gap between East and West GermanyBecker, Gideon
2015Innovation, industrial dynamics and economic growthStadler, Manfred
2015A bitter choice turned sweet: How acknowledging individuals' concern at having a low relative income serves to align utilitarianism and egalitarianismStark, Oded; Jakubek, Marcin; Kobus, Martyna
2015Gender differentiation in risk-taking behavior: On the relative risk aversion of single men and single womenStark, Oded; Zawojska, Ewa
2015Contests vs. piece rates in product market competitionPull, Kerstin; Stadler, Manfred
2015Comparing the global and merged with the local and separate: On a downside to the integration of regions and nationsStark, Oded
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 158
Also listed in RePEc / EconPapers