HWWI Research Papers, Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut (HWWI)

ISSN: 1861-504X

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 195
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Public childcare and maternal labour supply: New evidence for GermanyBoll, Christina; Lagemann, Andreas
2016Asset market response to monetary policy news from SNB press releasesHüning, Hendrik
2016The EU gender earnings gap: Job segregation and working time as driving factorsBoll, Christina; Rossen, Anja; Wolf, André
2016A cross-country comparison of gender differences in job-related training: The role of working hours and the household contextBoll, Christina; Bublitz, Elisabeth
2016Misperceptions of income distributions: Cross-country evidence from a randomized survey experimentBublitz, Elisabeth
2016Green accounting, institutional quality and investment decisions: Macroeconomic implications from an analysis of the oil and mining sectorStöver, Jana
2016The social pay gap across occupations: Survey and experimental evidenceBublitz, Elisabeth; Regner, Tobias
2016Overeducation - new evidence for 25 European countriesBoll, Christina; Leppin, Julian Sebstian; Rossen, Anja; Wolf, André
2016Hamburg's port position: Hinterland competition in Central Europe from TEN-T corridor portsBiermann, Franziska; Wedemeier, Jan
2015Potential effects of a statutory minimum wage on the gender pay gap: A simulation-based study for GermanyBoll, Christina; Hüning, Hendrik; Leppin, Julian; Puckelwald, Johannes
2015Immigrant-native differences in stockholding: The role of cognitive and non-cognitive skillsLuik, Marc-André; Steinhardt, Max Friedrich
2015Climate change vulnerability in cities: The case of HamburgRose, Julia; Wilke, Christina Benita
2015Matching skills of individuals and firms along the career pathBublitz, Elisabeth
2015It's not all about parents' education, it also matters what they do: Parents' employment and children's school success in GermanyBoll, Christina; Hoffmann, Malte
2015A location quotient-based interregional input-output (IRIOLQ) frameworkJahn, Malte
2015Entrepreneurship, human capital, and labor demand: A story of signaling and matchingBublitz, Elisabeth; Nielsen, Kristian; Noseleit, Florian; Timmermans, Bram
2015Impact of welfare sanctions on employment entry and exit from labor force: Evidence from German survey dataHillmann, Katja; Hohenleitner, Ingrid
2015Optimal public information dissemination: Introducing observational learning into a generalized beauty contestHüning, Hendrik; Meub, Lukas
2015Environmental regulation and sustainable competitiveness: Evaluating the role of firm-level green investments in the context of the Porter hypothesisStöver, Jana; Weche, John P.
2014The relation between overreaction in forecasts and uncertainty: A nonlinear approachvonLeppin, Julian Sebastian
Publikationen (sortiert nach Title in Descendinger Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 195
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