IFS Working Papers, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 281 bis 300 von 744
2017Divided by choice? Private providers, patient choice and hospital sorting in the English National Health ServiceBeckert, Walter; Kelly, Elaine
2017What do consumers consider before they choose? Identification from asymmetric demand responsesAbaluck, Jason; Adams, Abi
2017The dynamic effects of tax auditsAdvani, Arun; Elming, William; Shaw, Jonathan
2017Can't wait to get my pension: The effect of raising the female state pension age on income, poverty and deprivationCribb, Jonathan; Emmerson, Carl
2017Frictions and taxpayer responses: Evidence from bunching at personal tax thresholdsAdam, Stuart; Browne, James; Phillips, David; Roantree, Barra
2017Labour supply responses to financial wealth shocks: Evidence from ItalyBottazzi, Renata; Trucchi, Serena; Wakefield, Matthew
2017Two decades of income inequality in Britain: The role of wages, household earnings and redistributionBelfield, Chris; Blundell, Richard; Cribb, Jonathan; Hood, Andrew; Joyce, Robert
2017The impact of health on labour supply near retirementBlundell, Richard W.; Britton, Jack; Costa Dias, Monica; French, Eric
2016New joints: Private providers and rising demand in the English national health serviceKelly, Elaine; Stoye, George
2016Mobility and the lifetime distributional impact of tax and transfer reformsLevell, Peter; Roantree, Barra; Shaw, Jonathan
2016The right to buy public housing in Britain: A welfare analysisDisney, Richard; Luo, Guannan
2016Money or fun? Why students want to pursue further educationBelfield, Chris; Boneva, Teodora; Rauh, Christopher; Shaw, Jonathan
2016Selling daughters: Age of marriage, income shocks and the bride price traditionCorno, Lucia; Voena, Alessandra
2016Can't work or won't work: Quasi-experimental evidence on work search requirements for single parentsAvram, Silvia; Brewer, Mike; Salvatori, Andrea
2016Education policy and intergenerational transfers in equilibriumAbbott, Brant; Gallipoli, Giovanni; Meghir, Costas; Violante, Giovanni L.
2016Choice in the presence of experts: The role of general practitioners in patients' hospital choiceBeckert, Walter; Collyer, Kate
2016The UK wage premium puzzle: How did a large increase in university graduates leave the education premium unchanged?Blundell, Richard; Green, David A.; Jin, Wenchao
2016Consumption during the Great Recession in ItalyCelidoni, Martina; De Nadai, Michele; Weber, Guglielmo
2016How English domiciled graduate earnings vary with gender, institution attended, subject and socio-economic backgroundBritton, Jack; Dearden, Lorraine; Shephard, Neil; Vignoles, Anna
2016The effect of gender-targeted conditional cash transfers on household expenditures: Evidence from a randomized experimentArmand, Alex; Attanasio, Orazio; Carneiro, Pedro M.; Lechene, Valérie
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 281 bis 300 von 744