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Ergebnisse 31-40 von 152.
2014A Study on Labour Market Transitions Using Micro-data from the Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC). Final ReportBachmann, Ronald; Bechara, Peggy; Kramer, Anica; Rzepka, Sylvi
2014Personen, die nicht am Erwerbsleben teilnehmen: Analyse sozio-ökonomischer Merkmale unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Haushaltskontextes und Bestimmung des ArbeitskräftepotenzialsEilers, Lea; Kramer, Anica; Tamm, Marcus
2014Energiekostenbelastung privater Haushalte: Das EEG als sozialpolitische Zeitbombe?Frondel, Manuel; Sommer, Stephan
2014Sorting into Physician Payment Schemes – A Laboratory ExperimentBrosig-Koch, Jeannette; Kairies-Schwarz, Nadja; Kokot, Johanna
2014Evolutionary Stability in Asymmetric Oligopoly. A Non-Walrasian ResultLeininger, Wolfgang; Moghadam, Hamed M.
2014Selective-referral and Unobserved Patient Heterogeneity – Bias in the Volume-outcome RelationshipHentschker, Corinna; Mennicken, Roman
2014Small Cash Rewards for Big Losers – Experimental Insights Into the Fight Against the Obesity EpidemicAugurzky, Boris; Bauer, Thomas K.; Reichert, Arndt R.; Schmidt, Christoph M.; Tauchmann, Harald
2014Corporate Taxation and Investment: Evidence from the Belgian ACE Reformaus dem Moore, Nils
2014Defining Hospital Markets – An Application to the German Hospital SectorHentschker, Corinna; Schmid, Andreas; Mennicken, Roman
2014Long-term care insurance and carers' labor supply: A structural modelGeyer, Johannes; Korfhage, Thorben