Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des ZEW - Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 341 bis 360 von 3480
2021Reformvorschläge der Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2021 - Finanzielle AuswirkungenBuhlmann, Florian; Hebsaker, Michael; Siegloch, Sebastian
2021Monetary incentives and the contagion of unethical behaviorLe Maux, Benoît; Masclet, David; Necker, Sarah
2021Open innovation deficiency: Evidence on project abandonment and delayvan Criekingen, Kristof; Freel, Mark; Czarnitzki, Dirk
2021Regional redistribution of mineral resource wealth in AfricaAsatryan, Zareh; Baskaran, Thushyanthan; Birkholz, Carlo; Hufschmidt, Patrick
2021An integrated data framework for policy guidance in times of dynamic economic shocksDörr, Julian Oliver; Kinne, Jan; Lenz, David; Licht, Georg; Winker, Peter
2021Fearless Woman: Financial Literacy and Stock Market ParticipationBucher-Koenen, Tabea; Alessie, Rob; Lusardi, Annamaria; van Rooij, Maarten
2021The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on innovation: First in-sights from the German business sectorDiekhof, Josefine; Krieger, Bastian; Licht, Georg; Rammer, Christian; Schmitt, Johannes; Stenke, Gero
2021Transitions from offline to online labor markets: The relationship between freelancers' prior offline and online work experienceSeifried, Mareike
2021Climate protection potentials of digitalized production processes: Microeconometric evidence?Axenbeck, Janna; Niebel, Thomas
2021Mandated sick pay: Coverage, utilization, and welfare effectsMaclean, Catherine; Pichler, Stefan; Ziebarth, Nicolas R.
2021Corporate carbon reduction pledges: An effective tool to mitigate climate change?Comello, Stephen; Reichelstein, Julia; Reichelstein, Stefan
2021Buyers' workload and R&D procurement outcomes: Evidence from the US Air Force Research LabGiuffrida, Leonardo M.; Raiteri, Emilio
2021Heterogeneous responses to school track choice: Evidence from the repeal of binding track recommendationsBach, Maximilian
2021Procuring survivalCappelletti, Matilde; Giuffrida, Leonardo M.
2021Dispelling the shadow of fiscal dominance? Fiscal and monetary announcement effects for euro area sovereign spreads in the Corona pandemicHavlik, Annika; Heinemann, Friedrich; Helbig, Samuel; Nover, Justus
2021A new China shock? The untold story of China's R&D subsidiesBoeing, Philipp; Peters, Bettina
2021Does pay transparency affect the gender wage gap? Evidence from AustriaGulyas, Andreas; Seitz, Sebastian; Sinha, Sourav
2021Pricing carbon in a multi-sector economy with social discountingKalsbach, Oliver; Rausch, Sebastian
2021Do preferences for urban amenities really differ by skill?Arntz, Melanie; Brüll, Eduard; Lipowski, Cäcilia
2021Financial constraints for R&D and innovation: New evidence from a survey experimentCzarnitzki, Dirk; Giebel, Marek
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 341 bis 360 von 3480