Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des ZEW - Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 3459
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022Supporting patients with heart failure with digital therapeutics—A pilot study in GermanyReif, Simon; Schubert, Sabrina; Stiefel, J.; Husri, F.; Fischlein, T.; Pauschinger, M.; Klucken, J.
2022IAB/ZEW Gründungspanel (August 2022)Gottschalk, Sandra
2021Verteilungswirkungen der Reformpläne im Koalitionsvertrag 2021-2025: Eine Analyse auf Basis des ZEW-EviSTAModells und des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP)Buhlmann, Florian; Siegloch, Sebastian; Stichnoth, Holger; Hebsaker, Michael
2021Corona and the stability of personal traits and preferences: Evidence from GermanyFrondel, Manuel; Osberghaus, Daniel; Sommer, Stephan
2021Centralized procurement and delivery times: Evidence from a natural experiment in ItalyClark, Robert; Coviello, Decio; de Leverano, Adriano
2021Bildungsinvestitionen optimierenPfeiffer, Friedhelm; Stichnoth, Holger
2021Ein flexibles Vergütungskonzept für Mediziner hilft, Herdenimmunität gegen COVID-19 zu erreichenGretschko, Vitali; Ott, Marion
2021What's behind multiple institutional affiliations in academia?Hottenrott, Hanna; Lawson, Cornelia
2021Scaling, unwinding and greening QE in a calibrated portfolio balance modelRiedler, Jesper; Koziol, Tina
2021Political ignorance and the internetBertschek, Irene; Müller, David F.
2021Taxes and business philanthropy in ArmeniaAsatryan, Zareh; Joulfaian, David
2021The economic and climate value of flexibility in green energy marketsAbrell, Jan; Rausch, Sebastian; Streitberger, Clemens
2021Data resource profile: The ZEW FMS datasetBrückbauer, Frank; Schröder, Michael
2021International student exchange and academic performanceCzarnitzki, Dirk; Joosten, Wytse; Toivanen, Otto
2021How effective is carbon pricing? A machine learning approach to policy evaluationAbrell, Jan; Kosch, Mirjam; Rausch, Sebastian
2021Early retirement of employees in demanding jobs: Evidence from a German pension reformGeyer, Johannes; Lorenz, Svenja; Zwick, Thomas; Bruns, Mona
2021The CoViD-19 pandemic and mental health: Disentangling crucial channelsSiflinger, Bettina; Paffenholz, Michaela; Seitz, Sebastian; Mendel, Moritz; von Gaudecker, Hans-Martin
2021Die Rolle der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge für die Einkünfte im Alter: Aktuelle Evidenz und DatengrundlagenBucher-Koenen, Tabea; Knebel, Caroline; Meyer, Christina
2021Debt-equity bias should be addressed on national rather than on EU levelSpengel, Christoph; Fischer, Leonie; Ludwig, Christopher; Müller, Jessica; Weck, Stefan; Winter, Sarah
2021Signalling in auctions: Experimental evidenceBos, Olivier; Gomez-Martinez, Francisco; Onderstal, Sander; Truyts, Tom
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 3459