Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 121 bis 140 von 332
2013The Effects of Regime Cooptation on the Geographical Distribution of Violence: Evidence from the Syrian Civil WarDe Juan, Alexander; Bank, André
2013Iran and the Arab Spring: Between Expectations and DisillusionFürtig, Henner
2012Postwar Youth Violence: A Mirror of the Relationship between Youth and Adult SocietyKurtenbach, Sabine
2012Seeing from Above: The Geopolitics of Satellite Vision and North KoreaShim, David
2012Finding the Cases that Fit: Methodological Challenges in Peace ResearchSimons, Claudia; Zanker, Franzisca
2012Subjective Risk and Participation in Micro Life Insurance in GhanaGiesbert, Lena
2012Domestic Security in the Maghreb: Deficits and Counter-MeasuresMattes, Hanspeter
2012Origins and Outcomes of Electoral Institutions in African Hybrid Regimes: A Comparative PerspectiveStroh, Alexander; Elischer, Sebastian; Erdmann, Gero
2012The Puzzling Decline in Rural Women's Labor Force Participation in India: A ReexaminationNeff, Daniel; Sen, Kunal; Kling, Veronika
2012Chinese Perspectives on International Power Shifts and Sino-EU Relations (2008-2011)Noesselt, Nele
2012Drivers of Strategic Contestation in South AmericaFlemes, Daniel; Wehner, Leslie
2012Rising South Korea: A Minor Player or a Regional Power?Shim, David; Flamm, Patrick
2012The Consequences of Failed Mediation in Civil Wars: Assessing the Sri Lankan CaseDestradi, Sandra; Vüllers, Johannes
2012Frames We Can Believe In: Official Framing and Ideology in the CCP's Quest for LegitimacyBondes, Maria; Heep, Sandra
2012Is There a "Chinese School" of IR?Noesselt, Nele
2012The Political Economy of Regional Power: Turkey under the AKPBank, André; Karadag, Roy
2012India's Turn in Climate Policy: Assessing the Interplay of Domestic and International Policy ChangeBetz, Joachim
2012Political Change in the Middle East: An Attempt to Analyze the "Arab Spring"Beck, Martin; Hüser, Simone
2012The Politics of Contestation in Asia: How Japan and Pakistan Deal with their Rising NeighborsEbert, Hannes; Flemes, Daniel; Strüver, Georg
2012Contested Meanings of Corruption: International and Local Narratives in the Case of ParaguayGephart, Malte
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 121 bis 140 von 332