Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 332
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2009Where Minds Meet: The "Professionalization" of Cross-Strait Academic ExchangeSchucher, Günter
2009The Effects of Electoral Institutions in Rwanda: Why Proportional Representation Supports the Authoritarian RegimeStroh, Alexander
2009The Successful Ghana Election of 2008 – a Convenient Myth? Ethnicity in Ghana's Elections RevisitedJockers, Heinz; Kohnert, Dirk; Nugent, Paul
2009Power, Governance, and Ideas in Chile's Free Trade Agreement PolicyWehner, Leslie
2009Contextualizing Conceptions of Corruption: Challenges for the International Anti-corruption CampaignGephart, Malte
2009Stagnation of a "Miracle": Botswana's Governance Record Revisitedvon Soest, Christian
2009Savings, Credit and Insurance: Household Demand for Formal Financial Services in Rural GhanaBendig, Mirko; Giesbert, Lena; Steiner, Susan
2009The Culture of Fear and Control in Costa Rica (II): The Talk of Crime and Social ChangesHuhn, Sebastian
2009The Culture of Fear and Control in Costa Rica (I): Crime Statistics and Law EnforcementHuhn, Sebastian
2009Creating Multilevel Security Governance in South AmericaFlemes, Daniel; Radseck, Michael
2009The Production of Insecurity by African Security Forces: Insights from Liberia and the Central African RepublicMehler, Andreas
2009The Resilience of Authoritarian Rule in Syria under Hafez and Bashar Al-AsadBüchs, Annette
2009Iran's Oil Wealth: Treasure and Trouble for the Shah's Regime. A Context-sensitive Analysis of the Ambivalent Impact of Resource AbundanceShabafrouz, Miriam
2009Indian Involvement in Afghanistan: Stepping Stone or Stumbling Block to Regional Hegemony?Hanif, Melanie
2009Global Value Chains, Technology Transfer and Local Firm Upgrading in Non-OECD CountriesBrach, Juliane; Kappel, Robert
2009A Shrimp amongst Whales? Assessing South Korea's Regional-power StatusShim, David
2009Ethnicity and Party Systems in Francophone Sub-Saharan AfricaBasedau, Matthias; Stroh, Alexander
2009Contested Cornerstones of Nonviolent National Self-Perception in Costa Rica: A Historical ApproachHuhn, Sebastian
2008Business Constraints and Growth Potential of Micro and Small Manufacturing Enterprises in UgandaIshengoma, Esther K.; Kappel, Robert
2008Measuring Party Institutionalization in Developing Countries: A New Research Instrument Applied to 28 African Political PartiesBasedau, Matthias; Stroh, Alexander
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 332