Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 332
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Federalism and Foreign Direct Investment: How Political Affiliation Determines the Spatial Distribution of FDI – Evidence from IndiaSharma, Chanchal Kumar
2017Transitional Justice, Recognition, and Authoritative PowerOettler, Anika
2017Household Welfare and CO2 Emission Impacts of Energy and Carbon Taxes in MexicoRenner, Sebastian; Lay, Jann; Greve, Hannes
2017Secondary Powers vis-à-vis South Africa: Hard Balancing, Soft Balancing, Rejection of Followership, and Disregard of LeadershipScholvin, Sören
2016If You Can't Include Them, Exclude Them: Countering the Arab Uprisings in Algeria and JordanJosua, Maria
2016Gender Politics, Authoritarian Regime Resilience, and the Role of Civil Society in Algeria and MozambiqueLorch, Jasmin; Bunk, Bettina
2016Die regionalen Ambitionen Marokkos in Westafrika: Strategie – Aktivitäten – ErfolgsbilanzMattes, Hanspeter
2016Fleeing the Peace? Determinants of Outward Migration after Civil WarHaaß, Felix; Kurtenbach, Sabine; Strasheim, Julia
2016Non-Contributory Social Transfer Programmes in Developing Countries: A New Data Set and Research AgendaDodlova, Marina; Giolbas, Anna; Lay, Jann
2016Brutalisation as a Survival Strategy: How the "Islamic State" Is Prolonging Its Doomsday BattleRosiny, Stephan
2016Institutionalising Civilian Control of the Military in New Democracies: Theory and Evidence from South KoreaKuehn, David
2016International Alignment between Interests and Ideology: The Case of China's Partnership DiplomacyStrüver, Georg
2016Domestic Explanations for War and Peace in UkraineStrasheim, Julia
2016Agua, democratización ambiental y fronteras extractivas en ColombiaRoa García, María Cecilia
2016Regional Power Transitions: Lessons from the Southern ConeSchenoni, Luis Leandro
2016Do Associations Support Authoritarian Rule? Tentative Answers from Algeria, Mozambique, and VietnamWischermann, Jörg; Bunk, Bettina; Köllner, Patrick; Lorch, Jasmin
2016Honduras as a Complex Adaptive System and What It Means for the European Union – The Case of ViolenceLehmann, Kai Enno
2016Does Size Matter? The Productivity of Government: Expenditures and the Size of States: Evidence from IndiaHaasnoot, Cornelis W.
2015SMARTer Indicators for Decent Work in a Post-2015 Development Agenda: A Discussion and a ProposalOstermeier, Martin; Linde, Sarah; Lay, Jann; Prediger, Sebastian
2015Disabling the Steering Wheel? National and International Actors' Climate Change Mitigation Strategies in Latin AmericaRodriguez Lopez, Miguel; do Nascimento, Daniele Vieira; Garcia Sanchez, Daniela; Bolivar Lobato, Martha
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 332