Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 332
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2010The Formation of Preferences in Two-level Games: An Analysis of India's Domestic and Foreign Energy PolicyBetz, Joachim; Hanif, Melanie
2010Emerging Non-OECD Countries: Global Shifts in Power and Geopolitical RegionalizationScholvin, Sören
2010Attitudes to Chronic Poverty in the "Global Village"Barrientos, Armando; Neff, Daniel
2010Nigeria: A Prime Example of the Resource Curse? Revisiting the Oil-Violence Link in the Niger DeltaMähler, Annegret
2010India and the Civil War in Sri Lanka: On the Failures of Regional Conflict Management in South AsiaDestradi, Sandra
2010Assets, Shocks, and Poverty Traps in Rural MozambiqueGiesbert, Lena; Schindler, Kati
2010Measuring Geopolitical Power in India: A Review of the National Security Index (NSI)Hwang, Karl
2010Are the Chinese in Africa More Innovative than the Africans? Comparing Chinese and Nigerian Entrepreneurial Migrants' Cultures of InnovationKohnert, Dirk
2010Fuel for Conflict or Balm for Peace? Assessing the Effects of Hydrocarbons on Peace Efforts in AlgeriaShabafrouz, Miriam
2010Ethnic Party Bans in East Africa from a Comparative PerspectiveMoroff, Anika
2010Technological Readiness in the Middle East and North Africa – Implications for EgyptBrach, Juliane
2010Lessons to Be Learned: Political Party Research and Political Party AssistanceErdmann, Gero
2010Asian Economic Integration and Cooperation: Challenges and Ways Forward for Pan-Asian RegionalismRai, Durgesh K.
2010The Resource Curse and Rentier States in the Caspian Region: A Need for Context AnalysisMeissner, Hannes
2010Measuring and Comparing Party Ideology in Nonindustrialized Societies: Taking Party Manifesto Research to AfricaElischer, Sebastian
2009Handel, Hierarchien und Kooperation in der GlobalisierungKappel, Robert; Brach, Juliane
2009The Power of Proximity: Strategic Decisions in African Party PoliticsStroh, Alexander
2009Reshaping Political Space? The Impact of the Armed Insurgency in the Central African Republic on Political Parties and RepresentationMehler, Andreas
2009Oil in Venezuela: Triggering Violence or Ensuring Stability? A Context-sensitive Analysis of the Ambivalent Impact of Resource AbundanceMähler, Annegret
2009Oil-rent Boom in Iran?Beck, Martin
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 332