Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 332
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008The Chinese Meaning of Just War and Its Impact on the Foreign Policy of the People's Republic of ChinaGodehardt, Nadine
2008Bringing Hirschman Back In: Conceptualizing Transnational Migration as a Reconfiguration of "Exit", "Voice", and "Loyalty"Hoffmann, Bert
2008Gain Seeking in a "Double Security Dilemma": The Case of OPECZeino-Mahmalat, Ellinor
2008Democracy and Human Rights in the European-Asian Dialogue: A Clash of Cooperation Cultures?Loewen, Howard
2008Ethnic Coalitions of Convenience and Commitment: Political Parties and Party Systems in KenyaElischer, Sebastian
2008Structural Stability: On the Prerequisites of Nonviolent Conflict ManagementMehler, Andreas; Engel, Ulf; Giesbert, Lena; Kuhlmann, Jenny; von Soest, Christian
2008EU-African Economic Relations: Continuing Dominance, Traded for Aid?Kohnert, Dirk
2007Political Party and Party System Institutionalisation in Southeast Asia: A Comparison of Indonesia, the Philippines, and ThailandUfen, Andreas
2007Oligopolies of Violence in Post-Conflict SocietiesLambach, Daniel
2007Prestando acuerdo: El Senado frente a los nombramientos del Poder Judicial en la Argentina democrática (1983-2006)Llanos, Mariana; Figueroa Schibber, Constanza
2007Why Is Liberal Peace-building So Difficult? Some Lessons from Central AmericaKurtenbach, Sabine
2007The Role of Southern Actors in Global Governance: The Fight against HIV/AIDSBartsch, Sonja; Kohlmorgen, Lars
2007Securing Household Income among Small-scale Farmers in Kakamega District: Possibilities and Limitations of DiversificationDose, Henriette
2007Patronage-Preserving Federalism? Legislative Malapportionment and Subnational Fiscal Policies in ArgentinaGordin, Jorge P.
2007Boda-bodas Rule: Non-agricultural Activities and Their Inequality Implications in Western KenyaLay, Jann; M'Mukaria, George Michuki; Omar Mahmoud, Toman
2007Problems of Categorizing and Explaining Party Systems in AfricaErdmann, Gero; Basedau, Matthias
2007Discourses on Violence in Costa Rica, El Salvador and Nicaragua: National Patterns of Attention and Cross-border Discursive NodesOettler, Anika
2007Sectoral Transformations in Neo-Patrimonial Rentier States: Tourism Development and State Policy in EgyptRichter, Thomas; Steiner, Christian
2007The Role and Development of Technology-Intensive Suppliers in Resource-Based Economies: A Literature ReviewTorres Fuchslocher, Carlos
2007Emerging Middle Powers' Soft Balancing Strategy: State and Perspectives of the IBSA Dialogue ForumFlemes, Daniel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 332