Alle Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des WZB

ISSN: n.a.

Hinweis: "Diese Sammlung enthält ausschließlich Texte, die WZB-Forscherinnen und Forscher während ihrer Tätigkeit am WZB verfassten. Einige dieser Publikationen wurden auf der Basis gesonderter Rechtsvereinbarungen von der WZB-Bibliothek nachträglich digitalisiert.

Note: This collection only contains publications written by WZB researchers while they were affiliated with the WZB. Some of these documents were retrospectively digitized by the WZB library based on special copyright agreements."

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1061 to 1080 of 4335
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2019Political polarization and selection in representative democraciesDuell, Dominik; Valasek, Justin
2019Evening and night work schedules and children's social and emotional well-beingKaiser, Till; Li, Jianghong; Pollmann-Schult, Matthias
2019Algorithmic governanceKatzenbach, Christian; Ulbricht, Lena
2019Myth #31: The internet enables organizing without organizationBerg, Sebastian
2019Zentrale Entwicklungstrends in der AutomobilindustriePfäfflin, Heinz; Biehler, Hermann; Schwarz-Kocher, Martin; Krzywdzinski, Martin
2019Negotiation under the curse of knowledgePierrot, Thibaud
2019Labour Market Policy and Labour Law Reforms in Germany: Towards Inclusive GrowthSchmid, Günther
2019Destination as a process: Sibling similarity in early socioeconomic trajectoriesKarhula, Aleksi; Erola, Jani; Raab, Marcel; Fasang, Anette Eva
2019Testing future societies? Developing a framework for test beds and living labs as instruments of innovation governanceEngels, Franziska; Wentland, Alexander; Pfotenhauer, Sebastian M.
2019The conditional contribution mechanism for repeated public goods: The general caseOechssler, Joerg; Reischmann, Andreas; Sofianos, Andis
2019The AIIB in the Liberal International OrderStephen, Matthew D.; Skidmore, David
2019Verliert das Internet Governance Forum an Bedeutung?Pohle, Julia
2019Das Rätsel der Ungleichheit. Historische Erbsitten und ihre sozialen AuswirkungenHager, Anselm
2019Spain – Out with the Old: The Restructuring of Spanish PoliticsVidal, Guillem; Sánchez-Vítores, Irene
2019Partnered women's contribution to household labor income: Persistent inequalities among couples and their determinantsDieckhoff, Martina; Gash, Vanessa; Mertens, Antje; Romeu Gordo, Laura
2019Smash the Paywalls: Workflows und Werkzeuge für den grünen Weg des Open AccessBlasetti, Alessandro; Golda, Sandra; Göhring, Dominic; Grimm, Steffi; Kroll, Nadin; Sievers, Denise; Voigt, Michaela
2019Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism – How Globalization Is Reshaping Politics in the Twenty-First CenturyKoopmans, Ruud; Zürn, Michael
2019Der (alte) Streit um die Grundschulzeit: Von Kontinuitäten und Brüchen der Kaiserzeit bis heuteNikolai, Rita; Helbig, Marcel
2019Romania – Polity Contestation and the Resilience of Mainstream PartiesBorbáth, Endre
2019Quality certification for nonprofits, charitable giving, and donor's trust: Experimental evidenceAdena, Maja; Alizade, Jeyhun; Bohner, Frauke; Harke, Julian; Mesters, Fabio
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1061 to 1080 of 4335