Alle Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des WZB

ISSN: n.a.

Hinweis: "Diese Sammlung enthält ausschließlich Texte, die WZB-Forscherinnen und Forscher während ihrer Tätigkeit am WZB verfassten. Einige dieser Publikationen wurden auf der Basis gesonderter Rechtsvereinbarungen von der WZB-Bibliothek nachträglich digitalisiert.

Note: This collection only contains publications written by WZB researchers while they were affiliated with the WZB. Some of these documents were retrospectively digitized by the WZB library based on special copyright agreements."

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 4325
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022The Role of Education Systems in Preventing NEETsvan Vugt, Lynn; van der Velden, Rolf; Levels, Mark; Brzinsky-Fay, Christian
2022The role of employers in reducing the implementation gap in leave policiesHipp, Lena; Schlüter, Charlotte; Molina, Stefania
2022AusländerGosewinkel, Dieter; Katzy-Reinshagen, Anna
2022Of Gardens, Forests, and ParksKatzenstein, Peter J.
2022Supranational emergency politics? What executives’ public crisis communication may tell usRauh, Christian
2022How Young Mothers Rely on Kin Networks and Formal Childcare to Avoid Becoming NEET in the NetherlandsDicks, Alexander; Levels, Mark; van der Velden, Rolf; Mills, Melinda C.
2022Flexible societies excelled in saving lives in the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemicLi, Jianghong; Akaliyski, Plamen; Heisig, Jan Paul; Löbl, Simon; Minkov, Michael
2022Moderating in Obscurity: How Indian Content Moderators Work in Global Content Moderation Value ChainsAhmad,Sana; Krzywdzinski, Martin
2022[Rezension] Klaus-Peter Buss / Martin Kuhlmann / Marliese Weißmann / Harald Wolf / Birgit Apitzsch (Hrsg.), Digitalisierung und Arbeit: Triebkräfte – Arbeitsfolgen – Regulierung. Frankfurt a. M. / New York: Campus Verlag 2021Krzywdzinski, Martin
2022Gender and precarity in platform work: Old inequalities in the new world of workGerber, Christine
2022Global warming and urbanizationHelbling, Marc; Meierrieks, Daniel
2022(Mis)Matched College Aspirations and Expectations: The Role of Social Background and Admission BarriersFinger, Claudia
2022Parents' nonstandard work schedules and parents' perception of adolescent social and emotional wellbeingLi, Jianghong; Kenyon Lair, Hannah; Schӓfer, Jakob; Kendall, Garth
2022Thin-skinned leaders: regime legitimation, protest issues, and repression in autocraciesKeremoğlu, Eda; Hellmeier, Sebastian; Weidmann, Nils B.
2022Contexts of Radicalization of Jihadi Foreign Fighters from EuropeKanol, Eylem
2022Betting on diversity: Occupational segregation and gender stereotypesFischbacher, Urs; Kübler, Dorothea; Stüber, Robert
2022Oil and property rightsde Soysa, Indra; Krieger, Tim; Meierrieks, Daniel
2022The Changing German VoterSchmitt-Beck, Rüdiger; Roßteutscher, Sigrid; Schoen, Harald; Weßels, Bernhard; Wolf, Christof
2022Digital value chain restructuring and labour process transformations in the fast-fashion sector: Evidence from the value chains of Zara & H&MLópez, Tatiana; Riedler, Tim; Köhnen, Heiner; Fütterer, Michael
2022The Growing Gap Between Pioneers and Laggards: Digitalization, automation, and organizational change in the wake of the COVID-19-crisis in GermanyKrzywdzinski, Martin; Butollo, Florian; Flemming, Jana; Gerber, Christine; Wandjo, David; Delicat, Nina; Herzog, Lorena; Bovenschulte, Marc; Nerger, Michael
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 4325