Alle Publikationen von Forscherinnen und Forschern des WZB

ISSN: n.a.

Hinweis: "Diese Sammlung enthält ausschließlich Texte, die WZB-Forscherinnen und Forscher während ihrer Tätigkeit am WZB verfassten. Einige dieser Publikationen wurden auf der Basis gesonderter Rechtsvereinbarungen von der WZB-Bibliothek nachträglich digitalisiert.

Note: This collection only contains publications written by WZB researchers while they were affiliated with the WZB. Some of these documents were retrospectively digitized by the WZB library based on special copyright agreements."

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 721 to 740 of 4335
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Bedrängte Zivilgesellschaft von rechts. Interventionsversuche und ReaktionsmusterSchroeder, Wolfgang; Greef, Samuel; Elsen, Jennifer Ten; Heller, Lukas
2020Recht auf Grundbildung: Was Bund und Länder gemeinsam gegen geringe Literalität und Bildungsarmut tun müssenWrase, Michael
2020Appearing moderate or radical? Radical left party success and the two-dimensional political spaceKrause, Werner
2020Die COVID-19-Krise nutzen: Es ist Zeit für eine ArbeitsversicherungSchmid, Günther; Schroeder, Wolfgang
2020Globalisierung nach Corona: Zurück in die Zukunft?Zürn, Michael
2020Research Guidelines for Country Case Studies on Academic FreedomKinzelbach, Katrin; Saliba, Ilyas; Spannagel, Janika
2020It’s no longer the economy, stupid! Issue yield at the 2017 German federal electionFranzmann, Simon T.; Giebler, Heiko; Poguntke, Thomas
2020Neues Spiel, neues Glück? Mobilität im WandelCanzler, Weert; Knie, Andreas
2020Cure, Poison or Placebo? The Consequences of Populist and Radical Party Success for Representative DemocracyGiebler, Heiko; Werner, Annika
2020A vote for Europe? The 2019 EP elections from the voters' perspectiveGrande, Edgar; Vidal, Guillem
2020What this pandemic reveals about the value of workKoepp, Robert
2020Policy Toolkits on Employment and Ageing: A Conceptual FrameworkDuvvury, Nata; Radl, Jonas; Sarter, E. K.; Scherger, Simone; Spijker, Jeroen
2020Information Technology and Political Engagement: Mixed Evidence from UgandaGrossman, Guy; Humphreys, Macartan; Sacramone-Lutz, Gabriella
2020Being Working Poor or Feeling Working Poor? The Role of Work Intensity and Job Stability for Subjective PovertyFilandri, Marianna; Pasqua, Silvia; Struffolino, Emanuela
2020Career trajectories into undereducation. Which skills and resources substitute formal education in the intergenerational transmission of advantage?Wiedner, Jonas; Schaeffer, Merlin
2020A virus that knows no borders? Exposure to and restrictions of international travel and the global diffusion of COVID-19Koopmans, Ruud
2020How party‒issue linkages vary between election manifestos and media debatesSchwarzbözl, Tobias; Fatke, Matthias; Hutter, Swen
2020Gekaufte Politik und käufliche Medien?Plehwe, Dieter
2020Chi è stato davvero "lasciato indietro"? Le differenze di genere nell'integrazione dei giovani scarsamente istruiti nel mercato del lavoroBorgna, Camilla; Struffolino, Emanuela
2020Americans’ perceptions of privacy and surveillance in the COVID-19 pandemicZhang, Baobao; Kreps, Sarah; McMurry, Nina; McCain, R. Miles
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 721 to 740 of 4335