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Results 31-40 of 127.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2013Social and economic costs of food allergies in Europe: translation and trans-cultural adaptation into different languages of a questionnaire to measure costs and health utilityFox, Margaret; Cerecedo, Inmaculada; de la Hoz Caballer, Belén; Zamora, Javier; Rokicka, Ewa; Starosta, Pawel; Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G.; Lagara, Katerina; Mugford, Miranda
2005The aggregation of environmental benefit values: A spatially sensitive valuation function approachBateman, Ian; Georgiou, Stavros; Lake, Iain
2009Saving Sumatra's species: Combining economics and ecology to define an efficient and self-sustaining program for inducing conservation within oil palm plantationsBateman, Ian J.; Coombes, Emma; Fisher, Brendan; Fitzherbert, Emily; Glew, David; Niadoo, Robin
2010Putting foucault to work on the environment: Exploring pro-environmental behaviour change as a form of disciplineHargreaves, Tom
2011Community innovation for sustainable energyHielscher, Sabine; Seyfang, Gill; Smith, Adrian
2005Sustainable development 'outside' the European Union: What role for impact assessment?Adelle, Camilla; Hertin, Julia; Jordan, Andrew
2012Integrated and spatially explicit modelling of the economic value of complex environmental change and its indirect effectsBateman, Ian; Binner, Amy; Coombes, Emma; Day, Brett; Ferrini, Silvia; Fezzi, Carlo; Hutchins, Michael; Posen, Paulette
2004Testing economic models of the household: An experimentBateman, Ian; Munro, Alistair
2012Non-linear effects and aggregation bias in Ricardian models of climate changeFezzi, Carlo; Bateman, Ian
2005Asymmetric dominance effects in choice experiments and contingent valuationBateman, Ian J.; Munro, Alistair; Poe, Gregory L.