CSERGE Working Papers: EDM - Environmental Decision Making, University of East Anglia

ISSN: 0967-8875

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 98
2006Riding the green wave in the European agricultural sector? A discourse analysis of the new cross compliance mechanismJuntti, Meri
2006Community action: A neglected site of innovation for sustainable development?Seyfang, Gill; Smith, Adrian
2006Gearing-up governance for sustainable development: Patterns of policy appraisal in United Kingdom central governmentRussel, Duncan; Jordan, Andrew
2006Estimating the demand for peace and quiet using property market dataDay, Brett; Bateman, Ian; Lake, Iain
2006Incentivised experimental investigations of the affect heuristicBateman, Ian J.; Slovic, Paul; Starmer, Chris
2006Understanding task allocation in the European Union: Testing the value of a federal perspectiveBenson, David; Jordan, Andrew
2006Preference learning versus coherent arbitrariness: NOAA guidelines or a learning design contingent valuation (LDCV)Bateman, Ian J.; Burgess, Diane; Hutchinson, W. George; Matthews, David I.
2006Exploring the determinants of affect: Examining rating scale assessments of gamblesBateman, Ian J.; Dent, Sam; Slovic, Paul; Starmer, Chris
2006Time banks and the social economy: Exploring the UK policy contextSeyfang, Gill
2006Catchment hydrology, resources, economics and management (ChREAM): Integrated modelling of rural land use & farm income impacts of the WFD and its potential non-market benefitsBateman, Ian J.; Brouwer, Roy; Davies, Helen; Day. Brett H.; Deflandre, Amelie; Di Falco, Salvatore; Georgiou, Stavros; Hadley, David; Hutchins, Michael; Jones, Andrew P.; Kay, David; Leeks, Graham; Lewis, Mervyn; Lovett, Andrew A.; Neal, Colin; Posen, Paulette; Rigby, Dan; Sheldon, Emily; Turnbull, Dawn and Turner, R. Kerry
2006The environmental case for Europe: Britain's European environmental policyJordan, Andrew
2006Community currencies: A new tool for sustainable consumptions?Seyfang, Gill
2005Consistency and construction in stated WTP for health risk reductions: A novel scope-sensitivity testBateman, Ian J.; Brouwer, Roy
2005Community currencies and social inclusion: A critical evaluationSeyfang, Gill
2005The aggregation of environmental benefit values: A spatially sensitive valuation function approachBateman, Ian; Georgiou, Stavros; Lake, Iain
2005Sustainable development 'outside' the European Union: What role for impact assessment?Adelle, Camilla; Hertin, Julia; Jordan, Andrew
2005Asymmetric dominance effects in choice experiments and contingent valuationBateman, Ian J.; Munro, Alistair; Poe, Gregory L.
2005The social value of carbon sequestered in Great Britain's woodlandsBrainard, Julii; Bateman, Ian J.; Lovett, Andrew A.
2005Valuing risk reductions: Testing for range biases in payment card and random card sorting methodsBateman, Ian J.; Covey, Judith; Loomes, Graham
2005Environmental conflicts and institutions as conceptual cornerstones of environmental governance researchPaavola, Jouni
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 98