CSERGE Working Papers: EDM - Environmental Decision Making, University of East Anglia

ISSN: 0967-8875

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 98
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2005Distribution-free estimation with interval-censored contingent valuation data: Trobles with Turnbull?Day, Brett
2004Testing economic models of the household: An experimentBateman, Ian; Munro, Alistair
2004Eco-warriors in the supermarket? Evaluating the UK sustainable consumption strategy as a tool for ecological citizenshipSeyfang, Gill
2004Nonlinearity in hedonic price equation: An estimation strategy using model-based clusteringDay, Brett; Bateman, Ian; Lake, Iain
2004Scope sensitivity tests for preference robustness: An empirical examination of economic expectations regarding the economic valuation of politices for reducing acidity in remote mountain lakesBateman, Ian J.; Cooper, Philip; Georgiou, Stavros; Navrud, Stale; Poe, Grey L.; Ready, Richard; Riera, Pere; Ryan, Mandy; Vossler, Christian A.
2004Bartering for a better future? Community currencies and sustainable consumptionSeyfang, Gill
2004Local organic food: The social implications of sustainable consumptionSeyfang, Gill
2004Multi-scale partnerships for tropical forest governanceRosendo, Sergio
2004New initiatives for sustainable food: A case study of an organic producer cooperativeSeyfang, Gill
2004Ommitted locational variates in hedonic analysis: A semiparametric approach using spatial statisticsDay, Brett; Bateman, Ian; Lake, Iain
2004Livelihoods, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Morogoro region, TanzaniaPaavola, Jouni
2004Ooh la la: Testing the one-and-one-half bound dichotomous choice elicitation method for robustness to anomalesBateman, Ian J.; Day, Brett H.; Dupont, Diane P.; Georgiou, Stavros
2004Coordinating European Union environmental policy: Shifting from passive to active coordinationJordan, Andrew; Schout, Adriaan; Zito, Anthony R
2003Coping with preference anomalies in cost-benefit analysisSugden, Robert
2003Submarket identification in property markets: A hedonic housing price model for GlasgowDay, Brett
2003Has governance eclipsed government? Patterns if environmental instrument selection and use in eight states and the EUJordan, Andrew; Wurzel, RĂ¼diger K. W.; Zito, Anthony R
2003First impressions count: Almost double! : A study of the interaction of interviewer appearance and information effects in stated preference studiesBateman, Ian J.; Mawby, James
2003Non-cooperative decision: Making and measures of household surplusBateman, Ian J.; Munro, Alistair
2003The responsibility criterion: Consumer sovereignty without the assumption of coherent preferencesSugden, Robert
2003Contrasting conventional with multi-level modelling approaches to meta-analysis: Exceptation consistency in UK woodland recreation valuesBateman, Ian J.; Jones, Andrew P
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 98