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Results 501-510 of 662.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Politicized trade: What drives withdrawal of trade preferences?Gassebner, Martin; Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan, Arevik
2005Knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) activities between universities and firms in Switzerland: The main facts : an empirical analysis based on firm-level dataArvanitis, Spyros; Kubli, Ursina; Sydow, Nora; Wörter, Martin
2002Numerical or functional labour flexibility: What is at stake for the Swiss economy? ; [flexibility and competitiveness: labour market flexibility, innovation and organisational performance (flex-com) ; Swiss national report]Arvanitis, Spyros; Hollenstein, Heinz; Marmet, David
2023The labor market effects of restricting refugees' employment opportunitiesAhrens, Achim; Beerli, Andreas; Hangartner, Dominik; Kurer, Selina; Siegenthaler, Michael
2006Economic, demographic and political determinants of pollution reassessed: A sensitivity analysisGassebner, Martin; Lamla, Michael; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2021Train drain? Access to skilled foreign workers and firms' provision of trainingOswald-Egg, Maria Esther; Siegenthaler, Michael
2019The social status of vocational education and training in SwitzerlandBolli, Thomas; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula
2022Power shifts, emigration, and population sortingAklin, Michaël; Eichenauer, Vera
2016Does it really make a difference? Health care utilization with two high deductible health care plansPichler, Stefan; Ruffner, Jan
2002Socio-economic factors and the finance-growth nexusGraff, Michael