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2018KOF youth labour market index for ScotlandRenold, Ursula; Bolli, Thomas; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther; Pusterla, Filippo
2019Governance im Berufsbildungssystem Schweiz: Systemische Steuerung des schweizerischen BerufsbildungssystemsRenold, Ursula; Caves, Katherine; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther
2019Implementation of the Serbian law on dual education: First report on drivers and barriers in the pre-implementation phaseRenold, Ursula; Caves, Katherine; Maldonado-Mariscal, Karina; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther; Markovic, Jasminka; Veselinovic, Zaklina; Stankovic, Dejan; Ceneric, Ivana; Todorovic, Milica
2020Storming and forming: A case study of education policy implementationCaves, Katherine; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther
2019No experience, no employment: The effect of vocational education and training work experience on labour market outcomes after higher educationOswald-Egg, Maria Esther; Renold, Ursula
2018Disentangling skills mismatch fifth release of the KOF youth labour market indexPusterla, Filippo; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther; Bolli, Thomas; Renold, Ursula
2019Heterogeneity in education and training sixth release of the KOF youth labour market indexPusterla, Filippo; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther
2019Valuable experience: How internships affect university graduates' incomeBolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther
2021Train drain? Access to skilled foreign workers and firms' provision of trainingOswald-Egg, Maria Esther; Siegenthaler, Michael
2017Analysis of challenges to strengthening the Serbian dual VET systemRenold, Ursula; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther