KOF Working Papers, KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle, ETH Zürich

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 472
2016From labor to cash flow? The abolition of immigration restrictions and the performance of Swiss firmsRuffner, Jan; Siegenthaler, Michael
2016Fueling conflict? (de)escalation and bilateral aidBluhm, Richard; Gassebner, Martin; Langlotz, Sarah; Schaudt, Paul
2016Development and utilization of energy-related technologies, economic performance and the role of policy instrumentsArvanitis, Spyros; Peneder, Michael; Rammer, Christian; Stucki, Tobias; Wörter, Martin
2016Resolving the ambiguity: A meta-analysis of the effect of employment protection on employment and unemploymentKemper, Johanna
2016International stock return predictability: On the role of the United States in bad and good timesSiliverstovs, Boriss
2016Is deflation costly after all? Evidence from noisy historical dataKaufmann, Daniel
2016Does energy policy hurt international competitiveness of firms? A comparative study for Germany, Switzerland and AustriaArvanitis, Spyros; Gottschalk, Sandra; Peneder, Michael; Rammer, Christian; Stucki, Tobias; Wörter, Martin
2016The adoption of green energy technologies: The role of policies in an international comparisonArvanitis, Spyridon; Peneder, Michael; Rammer, Christian; Stucki, Tobias; Wörter, Martin
2016The employer's dilemma: Employer engagement and progress in vocational education and training reformsCaves, Katherine; Renold, Ursula
2016When to expect a coup d'état? An extreme bounds analysis of coup determinantsGassebner, Martin; Gutmann, Jerg; Voigt, Stefan
2016Finance and income inequality: A review and new evidencede Haan, Jakob; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2016Innovation and firm growth over the business cycleSpescha, Andrin; Woerter, Martin
2016Exchange rate uncertainty and firm investment plans: Evidence from Swiss survey dataBinding, Garret; Dibiasi, Andreas
2016How different policy instruments affect the creation of green energy innovation: A differentiated perspectiveArvanitis, Spyros; Peneder, Michael; Rammer, Christian; Stucki, Tobias; Wörter, Martin
2016Measuring the social status of education programmes: Applying a new measurement to dual vocational education and training in SwitzerlandBolli, Thomas; Rageth, Ladina
2016Learning or leaning: Persistent and transitory spillovers from FDIDavies, Ronald B.; Lamla, Michael J.; Schiffbauer, Marc
2016On the initialization of adaptive learning in macroeconomic modelsBerardi, Michele; Galimberti, Jaqueson K.
2016Does it really make a difference? Health care utilization with two high deductible health care plansPichler, Stefan; Ruffner, Jan
2016Research and development as an initiator of fixed kapital investmentSpescha, Andrin; Wörter, Martin
2016Introducing an IP license box in Switzerland: Quantifying the effectsChatagny, Florian; Koethenbuerger, Marko; Stimmelmayr, Michael
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 472