KOF Working Papers, KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle, ETH Zürich

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 161 bis 180 von 472
2014A note on the representative adaptive learning algorithmBerardi, Michele; Galimberti, Jaqueson K.
2014"Relative Movements of Real Wages and Output": How does Keynes's 1939 essay relate to his Principle of effective demand?Hartwig, Jochen
2014Dividing the pie: the determinants of labor's share of income on the firm levelSiegenthaler, Michael; Stucki, Tobias
2014Corporate taxes and the growth of the firmLiberini, Federica
2014Identification of financial factors in economic fluctuationsFurlanetto, Francesco; Ravazzolo, Francesco; Sarferaz, Samad
2014Forecasting Chinese GDP growth with mixed frequency data: Which indicators to look at?Mikosch, Heiner; Zhang, Ying
2014Imitation versus innovation: What makes the difference?Arvanitis, Spyros; Seliger, Florian
2014Malthus and the industrial revolution: Evidence from a time-varying VARRathke, Alexander; Sarferaz, Samad
2014Knowledge base, exporting activities, innovation openness and innovation performance: A SEM approach towards a unifying frameworkArvanitis, Spyridon; Gkypali, Areti; Tsekouras, Kostas
2014Income inequality, capitalism and ethno-linguistic fractionalizationde Haan, Jakob; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2014The impact of apprenticeship training on personality traits: An instrumental variable approachBolli, Thomas; Hof, Stefanie
2014Testing the Bhaduri-Marglin model with OECD panel dataHartwig, Jochen
2014Unveiling participant level determinants of unit non-response in business tendency surveysBannert, Matthias; Dibiasi, Andreas
2014Testing Okun's law with Swiss industry dataHartwig, Jochen
2014Improving the reliability of real-time Hodrick-Prescott filtering using survey forecastsGalimberti, Jaqueson K.; Moura, Marcelo L.
2014Investigating the effects of ICT on innovation and performance of European hospitals: An exploratory studyArvanitis, Spyros; Loukis, Euripidis N.
2013Forecasting high-yield bond spreads using the loan market as leading indicatorSimmons-Süer, Banu
2013Imperfect information and inflation expectations: Evidence from microdataDräger, Lena; Lamla, Michael J.
2013Job mobility, peer effects, and research productivity in economicsBolli, Thomas; Schläpfer, Jörg
2013Do immigrants take or create residents' jobs? Quasi-experimental evidence from SwitzerlandBasten, Christoph Carl; Siegenthaler, Michael
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 161 bis 180 von 472