KOF Working Papers, KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle, ETH Zürich

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 472
2013Technological diversification and innovation performanceBolli, Thomas; Wörter, Martin
2012How Swiss small- and medium-sized firms assess the performance impact of mergers and acquisitionsArvanitis, Spyridon; Stucki, Tobias
2012An outlier-robust extreme bounds analysis of the determinants of health-care expenditure growthHartwig, Jochen; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2012A view on the long-run evolution of hours worked and labor productivity in Switzerland (1950 - 2010)Siegenthaler, Michael
2012Assessing the impact of support policies for energy efficient technology in SwitzerlandLey, Marius
2012Determinants of equity-based and co-operative foreign R&D and impact on the parent firm's performanceBerger, Martin; Hollenstein, Heinz
2012Saving and portfolio allocation before and after job lossBasten, Christoph; Fagereng, Andreas; Telle, Kjetil
2012Assessing forecasting performance of business tendency surveys during the Great Recession: Evidence for RussiaSiliverstovs, Boriss; Smirnov, Sergey; Tsukhlo, Sergey
2012On the economic impact of international sport events: Microevidence from survey data at the EURO 2008Lamla, Michael J.; Straub, Martin; Girsberger Seelaus, Esther M.
2012A real time evaluation of employment forecasts in SwitzerlandGraff, Michael; Mannino, Massimo; Siegenthaler, Michael
2012Do budgetary institutions mitigate the common pool problem? New empirical evidence for the EUde Haan, Jakob; Jong-A-Pin, Richard; Mierau, Jochen O.
2012Sticky prices, competition and the Phillips curveMikosch, Heiner Felix
2012Exploration or exploitation of knowledge from universities: Does it make a difference?Arvanitis, Spyridon; Wörter, Martin
2012Why do trade negotiations take so long?Moser, Christoph; Rose, Andrew K.
2012Distribution and growth in demand and productivity in Switzerland (1950 - 2010)Hartwig, Jochen
2012The R-word index for SwitzerlandIselin, David; Siliverstovs, Boriss
2012Keeping a finger on the pulse of the economy: Nowcasting Swiss GDP in real-time squaredSiliverstovs, Boriss
2012R&D and non-linear productivity growth of heterogeneous firmsKancs, D'Artis; Siliverstovs, Boriss
2012The value of the revolving door: Political appointees and the stock marketLuechinger, Simon; Moser, Christoph
2012On the estimation stability of efficiency and economies of scale in microfinance institutionsBolli, Thomas; Anh Vo Thi
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 201 bis 220 von 472