KOF Working Papers, KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle, ETH Zürich

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 301 bis 320 von 472
2009A comparison of firm-level innovation cooperation in five European countriesArvanitis, Spyros; Bolli, Thomas
2009Extreme bounds of democracyGassebner, Martin; Lamla, Michael J.; Vreeland, James Raymond
2009Capacity utilisation, constraints and price adjustments under the MicroscopeLein, Sarah M.; Köberl, Eva
2009Trade, Aid, Remittances and MigrationAkkoyunlu, Sule
2009Acting autonomously or mimicking the state and peers? A panel Tobit analysis of financial dependence and aid allocation by Swiss NGOsDreher, Axel; Nunnenkamp, Peter; Öhler, Hannes; Weisser, Johannes
2009A panel granger-causality test of endogenous vs. exogenous growthHartwig, Jochen
2009From knowledge to added value: A comparative, panel-data analysis of the innovation value chain in Irish and Swiss manufacturing firmsRoper, Stephen; Arvanitis, Spyros
2009International terrorism, political instability and the escalation effectCampos, Nauro F.; Gassebner, Martin
2009Do competitively acquired funds induce public research institutions to behave efficiently?Bolli, Thomas; Somogyi, Frank
2009Tax competition and income sorting: Evidence from the Zurich metropolitan areaSchaltegger, Christoph A.; Somogyi, Frank; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2008Are firm innovativeness and firm age relevant for the supply of vocational tranining? A study based on Swiss micro dataArvanitis, Spyros
2008The information content of KOF indicators on Swiss current account data revisionsSturm, Jan-Egbert; Jacobs, Jan P.A.M.
2008The NAICU and the Phillips curve: An approach based on micro dataKöberl, Eva; Lein, Sarah M.
2008IMF conditionality: Theory and evidenceDreher, Axel
2008Training propensity of start-ups in Switzerland: A study based on data for the start-up cohort 1996 - 97Arvanitis, Spyros; Stucki, Tobias
2008Demography, financial openness, national savings and external balanceGraff, Michael; Tang, Kam Ki; Zhang, Jie
2008The quantity theory of money in historical perspectiveGraff, Michael
2008Openness and innovation - home and export demand effects on manufacturing innovation: Panel data evidence for Ireland and SwitzerlandWoerter, Martin; Roper, Stephen
2008Assessing the impact of the ECB's monetary policy on the stock markets: A sectoral viewKholodilin, Konstantin; Montagnoli, Alberto; Napolitano, Oreste; Siliverstovs, Boriss
2008Measurement of labor quality growth: Caused by unobservable characteristicsZurlinden, Mathias; Bolli, Thomas
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 301 bis 320 von 472