KOF Working Papers, KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle, ETH Zürich

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 472
2018Is it good to be bad or bad to be good? Assessing the aggregate impact of abnormal weather on consumer spendingSandqvist, Anna Pauliina; Siliverstovs, Boriss
2018Public funding and corporate innovationBeck, Mathias; Junge, Martin; Kaiser, Ulrich
2018Decision-making institutions and voters' preferences for fiscal policiesGalletta, Sergio
2018A configurational analysis of vocational education and training programmes: Types of education-employment linkage and their explanatory powerRageth, Ladina
2018The implications of central bank transparency for uncertainty and disagreementBoonlert Jitmaneeroj; Lamla, Michael J.; Wood, Andrew
2018The KOF Globalisation Index - revisitedGygli, Savina; Haelg, Florian; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2017Time-varying mixed frequency forecasting: A real-time experimentNeuwirth, Stefan
2017The linkage between the education and employment systems: Ideal types of vocational education and training programsRageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula
2017Testing the Grossman model of medical spending determinants with macroeconomic panel dataHartwig, Jochen; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
2017Employment effect of innovationKancs, d'Artis; Siliverstovs, Boriss
2017Smoothing-based initialization for learning-to-forecast algorithmsBerardi, Michele; Galimberti, Jaqueson K.
2017The supply of foreign talent: How skill-biased technology drives the skill mix of immigrants. Evidence from Switzerland 1990-2010Beerli, Andreas; Indergand, Ronald; Kunz, Johannes
2017Employment protection, capital investments and labor productivityKemper, Johanna
2017Politicized trade: What drives withdrawal of trade preferences?Gassebner, Martin; Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan, Arevik
2017The labor market effects of opening the border: Evidence from SwitzerlandBeerli, Andreas; Peri, Giovanni
2017Meet the need: The role of vocational education and training for the youth labour marketBolli, Thomas; Egg, Maria Esther; Rageth, Ladina
2017Does negative news reporting on the economy get reflected in companies' business situation?Iselin, David
2017Forecasting GDP growth from the outer spaceGalimberti, Jaqueson K.
2017Evaluating the impact of employment protection on firm-provided training in an RDD frameworkBolli, Thomas; Kemper, Johanna
2016The effect of policy uncertainty on investment plans: Evidence from the unexpected acceptance of a far-reaching referendum in SwitzerlandAbberger, Klaus; Dibiasi, Andreas; Siegenthaler, Michael; Sturm, Jan-Egbert
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 472