School of Economics Discussion Papers, University of Kent

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 372
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014Explaining Differences in the Productivity of Capital Across Countries in the Context of 'New' Growth TheoryNell, Kevin S.; Thirlwall, A. P.
2014Contrasting the Perception and Response of Domestic Manufacturing Firms to FDI in Sub-Saharan AfricaPacheco-López, Penélope
2014On the interaction between economic growth and business cyclesMendieta-Muñoz, Ivan
2014Tax reforms in search-and-matching models with heterogeneous agentsJiang, Wei
2014The Organic Food Premium: A Canterbury TaleGschwandtner, Adelina
2013The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Export Growth and Import Growth in Sub-Saharan AfricaKassim, Lanre
2013The Causal Effect of Deficiency at English on Female Immigrants’ Labour Market Outcomes in the UKMiranda, Alfonso; Zhu, Yu
2013Profit Persistence and Stock ReturnsGschwandtner, Adelina; Hauser, Michael
2013Global stochastic trends in growth, interest and inflation. Is the post-Bretton-Woods era driven by the Volcker disinflation?Heinlein, Reinhold; Krolzig, Hans-Martin
2013Kaldor's 1970 Regional Growth Model RevisitedThirlwall, A. P.
2013Monetary Policy and Exchange Rates: A Balanced Two-Country Cointegrated VAR Model ApproachHeinlein, Reinhold; Krolzig, Hans-Martin
2013Stabilisation Policy in a Model of Consumption, Housing Collateral and Bank LendingChadha, Jagjit S.; Corrado, Germana; Corrado, Luisa
2013Industry, firm, year and country effects on profitability in EU food processingSchiefer, Jan; Hirsch, Stefan; Hartmann, Monika; Gschwandtner, Adelina
2013Gibrat's law and the British Industrial RevolutionKlein, Alexander; Leunig, Tim
2013Geography and Intra-National Home Bias: U.S. Domestic Trade in 1949 and 2007Crafts, Nicholas; Klein, Alexander
2013Inventories and the Stockout Contstraint in General EquilibriumShibayama, Katsuyuki; Chadha, Jagjit S.
2013A New Interpretation of Kaldor's First Growth Law for Open Developing CountriesPacheco-López, Penélope; Thirlwall, A. P.
2013A Note on Money and the Conduct of Monetary PolicyChadha, Jagjit S.; Corrado, Luisa; Holly, Sean
2013External Constraints and Endogenous Growth: Why Didn’t Some Countries Benefit From Capital Flows?Gente, Karine; León-Ledesma, Miguel A.; Nourry, Carine
2013Elite Capture Through Information Distortion: A Theoretical EssayPlatteau, Jean-Philippe; Somville, Vincent; Wahhaj, Zaki
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 372