Manchester Business School Working Paper Series, The University of Manchester

ISSN: 0954-7401

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 104
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2010Can VAR models capture regime shifts in asset returns? A long-horizon strategic asset allocation perspectiveGuidolin, Massimo; Hyde, Stuart
2010Business start-up and growth motives of entrepreneurs: A case in Bradford, United KingdomDe Silva, L. Ranmuthumalie
2010Determinants of corporate exchange rate exposure and implications for investors: Evidence from Chilean firmsHansen, Erwin; Hyde, Stuart
2010Outsourcing and offshoring of business services: Challenges to theory, management and geography of innovationMassini, Silvia; Miozzo, Marcela
2010Does the macroeconomy predict UK asset returns in an nonlinear fashion? Comprehensive out-of-sample evidenceGuidolin, Massimo; Hyde, Stuart; McMillan, David; Ono, Sadayuki
2010Distributed innovation processes (DIPs) and the dynamics of knowledge tradabilityGee, Sally
2010International policy coordination for collaboration in S&TEdler, Jakob
2010Actuarial transform pricingRuban, Oleg; Vitiello, Luiz; Poon, Ser-Huang
2010A yield spread perspective on the great financial crisis: Break-point test evidenceGuidolin, Massimo; Tam, Yu Man
2009An empirical analysis of zero-leverage and ultra-low leverage firms: Some UK evidenceDang, Viet
2009Institutional entrepreneurship in constructing alternative paths: A comparison of biotech hybridsDivito de Paauw, Lori
2009Opening the black box: Adoption of innovations in voluntary organisationsNugroho, Yanuar
2009Dyed in the wool? An empirical note on fan loyaltyRobinson, Terry
2009What drives stochastic risk aversionCho, Sungjun
2009Innovation patterns under the magnifying glass: Firm-level latent class analysis of innovation activities in servicesTrigo, Alexandre
2009Understanding the innovation impacts of public procurementUyarra, Elvira; Flanagan, Kieron
2009Changing competition models in market economies: The effects of internationalisation, technological innovations and academic expansion on the conditions supporting dominant economic logicsWhitley, Richard
2009Portfolio and consumption decisions under ambiguity for regime switching mean returnsLiu, Hening
2009Time and risk diversification in real estate investements: Assessing the ex post economic valueFugazza, Carolina; Guidolin, Massimo; Nicodano, Giovanna
2009Mapping the tacit component: Getting away from knowledge conversionJones, Barbara; Miller, Bob
Publikationen (sortiert nach Title in Descendinger Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 104