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Ergebnisse 51-60 von 64.
2018Russian food and agricultural import ban: The impact on the domestic market for cattle, pork and poultryPerekhozhuk, Oleksandr; Glauben, Thomas
2019Сектор животноводства в Таджикистане: Проблемы устойчивого и сбалансированного развитияUmarov, Khojamahmad
2019Реструктуризация сектора животноводства в ТуркменистанеAganov, Stanislav; Kepbanov, Yolbars; Ovezmuradov, Gurbanmyrat
2014Trade costs and agricultural trade in Central AsiaPomfret, Richard
2018Ableitung optimaler Preisrelationen in einer geschlossenen und offenen Volkswirtschaft: Der neoklassische AnsatzKoester, Ulrich; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan
2014Community supported agriculture: Is it driven by economy or solidarity?Bîrhală, Brînduşa; Möllers, Judith
2017Preisdiskriminierung und Marktmacht auf den internationalen Düngemittelmärkten: Empirische Evidenz aus dem russischen DüngemittelexportmarktGoretzki, Philipp; Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr; Glauben, Thomas; Loy, Jens-Peter
2010Embedded institutions and the persistence of large farms in RussiaKoester, Ulrich; Petrick, Martin
2019Food security and the functioning of wheat markets in Eurasia: A comparative price transmission analysis for the countries of Central Asia and the South CaucasusSvanidze, Miranda; Götz, Linde Johanna; Đurić, Ivan; Glauben, Thomas
2014The French Revolution and German industrialization: The new institutional economics rewrites historyKopsidis, Michael; Bromley, Daniel W.