Public Policy Briefs, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 157
2011Debtors' crisis or creditors' crisis? Who pays for the European sovereign and subprime mortgage losses?Kregel, Jan
2010Debts, deficits, economic recovery, and the US governmentPapadimitriou, Dimitri B.; Hannsgen, Greg
2010Why President Obama should care about care: An effective and equitable investment strategy for job creationAntonopoulos, Rania; Kim, Kijong; Masterson, Thomas; Zacharias, Ajit
2010The trouble with pensions: Toward an alternative public policy to support retirementNersisyan, Yeva; Wray, L. Randall
2010An alternative perspective on global imbalances and international reserve currenciesKregel, Jan
2010What should banks do? A Minskyan analysisWray, L. Randall
2010Endgame for the euro? Without major restructuring, the eurozone is doomedPapadimitriou, Dimitri B.; Wray, L. Randall; Nersisyan, Yeva
2010The great crisis and the American responseGalbraith, James K.
2010Deficit hysteria redux? Why we should stop worrying about US government deficitsNersisyan, Yeva; Wray, L. Randall
2010No going back: Why we cannot restore Glass-Steagall's segregation of banking and financeKregel, Jan
2010Toward true health care reform: More care, less insuranceAuerback, Marshall; Wray, L. Randall
2009It isn't working: Time for more radical policiesTymoigne, Éric; Wray, L. Randall
2009Financial and monetary issues as the crisis unfoldsGalbraith, James K.
2009It's that vision thing: Why the bailouts aren't working, and why a new financial system is neededKregel, Jan
2009The return of big government: Policy advice for President ObamaWray, L. Randall
2009After the bust: The outlook for macroeconomics and macroeconomic policyPalley, Thomas I.
2009The case against intergenerational accounting: The accounting campaign against social security and MedicareGalbraith, James K.; Wray, L. Randall; Mosler, Warren
2009Can Euroland survive?Kelton, Stephanie A.; Wray, L. Randall
2009The new New Deal fracas: Did Roosevelt's anticompetitive legislation slow the recovery from the Great Depression?Papadimitriou, Dimitri B.; Hannsgen, Greg
2009Promoting gender equality through stimulus packages and public job creation: Lessons learned from South Africa's Expanded public Works ProgrammeAntonopoulos, Rania
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 157