Discussion Papers, Abteilung Verhalten auf Märkten, WZB

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 109
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014College admissions with entrance exams: Centralized versus decentralizedHafalir, Isa E.; Hakimov, Rustamdjan; Kübler, Dorothea; Kurino, Morimitsu
2014The equitable top trading cycles mechanism for school choiceHakimov, Rustamdjan; Kesten, Onur
2014Second-best incentive compatible allocation rules for multiple-type indivisible objectsAnno, Hidekazu; Kurino, Morimitsu
2014Nonrenewable resources, strategic behavior and the hotelling rule: An experimentvan Veldhuizen, Roel; Sonnemans, Joep
2014Exclusion in the all-pay auction: An experimental investigationFehr, Dietmar; Schmid, Julia
2013Willpower depletion and framing effectsde Haan, Thomas; van Veldhuizen, Roel
2013The dark side of the vote: Biased voters, social information, and information aggregation through majority votingMorton, Rebecca B.; Piovesan, Marco; Tyran, Jean-Robert
2013An experimental study on the incentives of the probabilistic serial mechanismHugh-Jones, David; Kurino, Morimitsu; Vanberg, Christoph
2013Hanging together or being hung separately: The strategic power of coalitions where bargaining occurs with incomplete informationKonrad, Kai A.; Cusack, Thomas R.
2013The influence of wages on public officials' corruptibility: A laboratory investigationvan Veldhuizen, Roel
2013'I'll do it by myself as I knew it all along': On the failure of hindsight-biased principals to delegate optimallyDanz, David; Hüber, Frank; Kübler, Dorothea; Mechtenberg, Lydia; Schmid, Julia
2013Privacy concerns, voluntary disclosure of information, and unraveling: An experimentBenndorf, Volker; Kübler, Dorothea; Normann, Hans-Theo
2013Image concerns and the provision of qualityFriedrichsen, Jana
2013Giving and sorting among friends: Evidence from a lab-in-the-field experimentBinzel, Christine; Fehr, Dietmar
2013From Boston to Chinese parallel to deferred acceptance: Theory and experiments on a family of school choice mechanismsChen, Yan; Onur, Kesten
2013Political support in hard times: Do people care about national welfare?Friedrichsen, Jana; Zahn, Philipp
2012On the (im)possibility of improving upon the student-proposing deferred acceptance mechanismKesten, Onur; Kurino, Morimitsu
2012Implementing quotas in university admissions: An experimental analysisBraun, Sebastian; Dwenger, Nadja; Kübler, Dorothea; Westkamp, Alexander
2011Social identity and competitivenessDargnies, Marie-Pierre
2011Men too sometimes shy away from competition: The case of team competitionDargnies, Marie-Pierre
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 109
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