Working Paper Series, School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary University of London

ISSN: 1473-0278

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 519
2024Axiomatic Marxian exploitation theory: A survey of the recent literatureChinnock, Rylan; Veneziani, Roberto; Yoshihara, Naoki
2024The Hard Problem and the Tyranny of the LoserCheung, Stan; Mariotti, Marco; Veneziani, Roberto
2024The elephant in the other roomVeneziani, Roberto; Skillman, Gilbert L.
2024Polarization, purpose and profitFerreira, Daniel Bernardo Soares; Nikolowa, Radoslawa
2024Political competition and financial development: A test of two talesAssefa, Dawit Z.; Iona, Alfonsina; Leonida, Leone
2024How much should we trust observational estimates? Accumulating evidence using randomized controlled trials with imperfect complianceBernard, David Rhys; Bryan, Gharad; Chabé-Ferrett, Sylvain; De Quidt, Jonathan; Fliegner, Jasmin Claire; Rathelot, Roland
2024Taxes, innovation and productivityCloyne, James; Martinez, Joseba; Mumtaz, Haroon; Surico, Paolo
2024Classes of homogeneous financing constraints and corporate investmentIona, Alfonsina; Leonida, Leone
2024Disagreements in society over linear vs. over nonlinear labour-income tax schedulesIvanov, Asen
2024Regional and aggregate economic consequences of environmental policiesSchmitz, Tom; Colantone, Italo; Ottaviano, Gianmarco I. P.
2024Central bank exit strategies: Domestic transmission and international spilloversErceg, Christopher J.; Kolasa, Marcin; Lindé, Jesper; Mumtaz, Haroon; Zabczyk, Pawel
2024Regression modelling under general heterogeneityGiraitis, Liudas; Kapetaniosi, George; Li, Yufei
2024Classical competition and equilibrium: An agent-based analysisCogliano, Jonathan; Veneziani, Roberto
2023Identification in discrete choice models with imperfect informationGualdani, Cristina; Sinha, Shruti
2023Financial constraints and firm size: Micro-evidence and aggregate implicationsFerreira, Miguel H.; Haber, Timo; Rörig, Christian
2023Sustainable investing and public goods provisionPiatti, Ilaria; Shapiro, Joel Andrew; Wang, Xuan
2023Great expectations: A tale of two transitionsGirardi, Daniele; Veneziani, Roberto; Wengle, Susanne
2023Higher education and mortality: Legacies of an authoritarian college contractionGonzález, Felipe; Martínez, Luis R.; Muñoz, Pablo; Prem, Mounu
2023Costs and benefits of congestion in two-sided markets: Evidence from the dating marketLehmann, Tobias; Terrier, Camille; Lalive, Rafael
2023Vulnerability to climate change: Evidence from a dynamic factor modelMumtaz, Haroon; Marotta, Fulvia
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 519