The Constitutional Economics Network Working Papers, Universität Freiburg

ISSN: 2193-7214

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 39 of 39
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2015Intergenerational sharing of non-renewable resources: An experimental study using Rawls's Veil of IgnoranceWolf, Stephan; Dron, Cameron
2015Barriers and opportunities for climate adaptation: The water crisis in Greater São PauloCavalcante, Ana Helena A. P.
2015Could exit rules be self-enforcing in the EU? The cases of France and GermanyKappius, Robert; Neumärker, Bernhard
2015Two level reform game problems of GreeceKontodaimon, Martha; Neumärker, Bernhard
2014Institutional diagnostics of climate adaptationOberlack, Christoph
2013Choosing inequality: An experimental analysis of the impact of social immobility on the democratic election of distribution rulesWolf, Stephan; Lenger, Alexander
2013A diagnostic approach to the institutional analysis of climate adaptationOberlack, Christoph; Neumärker, Bernhard
2012The rule of law and sustainability of the constitution: The case of tax evasionNaqvi, Nadeem; Neumärker, Bernhard; Pech, Gerald
2012Overcoming barriers to urban adaptation through international cooperation? Modes and design properties under the UNFCCCOberlack, Christoph; Eisenack, Klaus
2012Rekonstruktive Forschungsmethoden in der deutschen Volkswirtschaftslehre: Eine explorative Erhebung zugrunde liegender RepräsentationsmusterLenger, Alexander; Kruse, Jan
2011Equal opportunity in educational contexts: Comparing the feasibility of divergent conceptualizationsKappius, Robert
2011Der Bildungsmonitor 2011: Ein Indikator für Bildungsgerechtigkeit?Kappius, Robert
2011Economics, institutions and adaptation to climate changeOberlack, Christoph; Neumärker, Bernhard
2011The tolerance premium as a constitutional element of the protective welfare stateWyss, Reto
2010Von Hayek's theory of cultural evolution in the light of a simplified model of Kaufmann's general biological evolutionary theoryWolf, Stephan
2010Penalties in the theory of equilibrium tax evasion: Solving King John's problemNeumärker, Bernhard; Pech, Gerald
2010Determinants of the capacity to adapt to climate change in multilevel governance systems: A metaanalysis of case study evidenceOberlack, Christoph
2010A contribution to the contractual analysis of public-private partnershipsJamil, Sarah; Neumärker, Bernhard
2010An intergenerational social contract for common resource usage: A reality-check for Harsanyi and RawlsWolf, Stephan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 39 of 39
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