DIW Economic Bulletin: Economy. Politics. Science. - DIW Berlin

ISSN: 2192-7219

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 430
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2015"Direct marketing of renewable energy creates new risks for investors": Eight questions to Karsten NeuhoffNeuhoff, Karsten; Wittenberg, Erich
2015Structural differences at the root of east-west gap in research, development, and innovation in GermanyEickelpasch, Alexander
2015Electricity grids and climate targets: New approaches to grid planningMieth, Robert; Weinhold, Richard; Gerbaulet, Clemens; von Hirschhausen, Christian R.; Kemfert, Claudia
2015"German investment behavior contributes to real losses in net worth of households": Six questions to Markus GrabkaGrabka, Markus M.; Wittenberg, Erich
2015Inheritance tax: Limit corporate privileges and spread tax burdenBach, Stefan
2015"Alternative fuels have failed to meet expectations": Six questions to Uwe KunertKunert, Uwe; Wittenberg, Erich
2015European climate targets achievable without nuclear powerKemfert, Claudia; Gerbaulet, Clemens; von Hirschhausen, Christian; Lorenz, Casimir; Reitz, Felix
2015Tax and transfer system: Considerable redistribution mainly via social insuranceBach, Stefan; Grabka, Markus; Tomasch, Erik
2015"Robust growth in a difficult environment": Eight questions to Ferdinand FichtnerFichtner, Ferdinand; Wittenberg, Erich
2015Unchartered territory: Large-scale asset purchases by the European Central BankBernoth, Kerstin; König, Philipp; Raab, Carolin; Fratzscher, Marcel
2015"Regional crime rates and fear of crime: Distinct north-south divide - unified measurement methods needed": Six questions to Martin KrohKroh, Martin; Wittenberg, Erich
2015"The price of oil is having a stronger impact on the Ruble's exchange rate than are the sanctions": Seven questions to Konstantin KholodilinKholodilin, Konstantin; Wittenberg, Erich
2015Gasoline and diesel will continue to dominate in the future of road transportEngerer, Hella; Kunert, Uwe
2015Modernization and innovation in the materials sector: Lessons from steel and cementNeuhoff, Karsten; Ancygier, Andrzej; Ponssard, Jean-Pierre; Quirion, Philippe; Sabio, Nagore; Sartor, Oliver; Sato, Misato; Schoop, Anne
2015"Costs of 'family working-time benefits model' (Familienarbeitszeit) manageable in the short term": Six questions to Kai-Uwe MüllerMüller, Kai-Uwe; Wittenberg, Erich
2015Mandatory direct marketing of wind power increases financing costsGrau, Thilo; Neuhoff, Karsten; Tisdale, Matthew
2015German construction industry: Refurbishment lacks momentum, new residential construction gets second windGornig, Martin; Kaiser, Christian; Michelsen, Claus
2015"The construction industry continues its upward trend": Seven questions to Claus MichelsenMichelsen, Claus; Wittenberg, Erich
2015Integrating refugees: A long-term, worthwhile investmentFratzscher, Marcel; Junker, Simon
2015"Investing in Germany!": Six questions to Marcel FratzscherFratzscher, Marcel; Wittenberg, Erich
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 430