Economics Discussion Papers, Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)

ISSN: 1867-8009

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 181 bis 200 von 785
2017Did the exchange rate interventions enhance inflation in Switzerland?Žídek, Libor; Šuterová, Magdalena
2017What do aggregate saving rates (not) show?Ponomarenko, Alexey A.; Ponomarenko, Alexey N.
2017Replication to assess statistical adequacyOwen, Dorian
2017Democracy and taxationBalamatsias, Pavlos
2017The G20 countries should engage with blockchain technologies to build an inclusive, transparent, and accountable digital economy for allMaupin, Julie
2017Carbon emission effect of urbanization at regional level: Empirical evidence from ChinaNiu, Honglei; Lekse, William
2017Towards a comprehensive approach to climate policy, sustainable infrastructure, and financeBak, Céline; Bhattacharya, Amar; Edenhofer, Ottmar; Knopf, Brigitte
2017Policy options for a socially balanced climate policySchwerhoff, Gregor; Dao, Nguyen Thang; Edenhofer, Ottmar; Grimalda, Gianluca; Jakob, Michael; Klenert, David; Siegmeier, Jan
2017An empirical investigation on dollarization and currency devaluation: A case study of TanzaniaMusoke, Zakia
2017Exploiting behavioural insights to foster global cooperationGrimalda, Gianluca; Bartke, Simon; Bosworth, Steven; Friedl, Andreas; Lima de Miranda, Katharina; Ring, Patrick; Snower, Dennis J.
2017The fallacy of the fiscal theory of the price level - one last timeBuiter, Willem H.; Sibert, Anne C.
2017T20 resilience and inclusive growthIwata, Kazumasa; Jean, Sébastien; Kastrop, Christian; Loewald, Chris; Véron, Nicolas
2017Bridging the digital divide: Measuring digital literacyChetty, Krish; Qigui, Liu; Gcora, Nozibele; Josie, Jaya; Wenwei, Li; Fang, Chen
2017Europe taking the lead in responsible globalisationAiginger, Karl; Handler, Heinz
2017Checking Gollier and Weitzman's solution of the "Weitzman-Gollier puzzle"Szekeres, Szabolcs
2017Which panel data estimator should I use? A corrigendum and extensionMoundigbaye, Mantobaye; Rea, William S.; Reed, W. Robert
2017When is there more employment, with individual or collective wage bargaining?García Martínez, José Ramón; Sorolla i Amat, Valeri
2017How costly are public sector inefficiencies? A theoretical framework for rationalising fiscal consolidationsOnrubia Fernández, Jorge; Sánchez Fuentes, Antonio Jesús
2017Rawls' fairness, income distribution and alarming level of Gini coefficientTao, Yong; Wu, Xiangjun; Li, Changshuai
2017Fundamentals unknown: Momentum, mean-reversion and price-to-earnings trading in an artificial stock marketSchasfoort, Joeri; Stockermans, Christopher
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 181 bis 200 von 785
Auch gelistet in RePEc / EconPapers