Economics Discussion Papers, Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)

ISSN: 1867-8009

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 80 von 785
2019Direct and indirect impacts of liberal immigration policies on the inflow of multinationals in the U.S.Shin, Geiguen
2019Family firms as kinship enterprisesYanagisako, Sylvia
2019The nexus between unemployment rate and shadow economy: A comparative analysis of developed and developing countries using a simultaneous-equation modelSahnoun, Marwa; Abdennadher, Chokri
2019A note on observational equivalence of micro assumptions on macro levelPonomarenko, Alexey
2019Takeaways from the special issue on the practice of replicationReed, W. Robert
2019Beyond quantified ignorance: Rebuilding rationality without the bias biasBrighton, Henry
2019Re-examining inequality persistenceGhoshray, Atanu; Monfort, Mercedes; Ordóñez, Javier
2019Does a promise script work to reduce the hypothetical bias? Evidence from an induced value experimentQin, Botao
2019Escape from model-landThompson, Erica L.; Smith, Leonard A.
2019Bounded rationality in Keynesian beauty contests: A lesson for central bankers?Mauersberger, Felix; Nagel, Rosemarie; Bühren, Christoph
2019Offshoring, job satisfaction and job insecurityBudría, Santiago; Milgram Baleix, Juliette
2019Toward global paradigm change: Beyond the crisis of the liberal world orderSnower, Dennis J.
2019Media-driven polarization: Evidence from the USMelki, Mickael; Sekeris, Petros
2019Firms' export decisions: Selection versus trial-and-errorMovahedi, Mohammad; Shahbazi, Kiumars; Abdessalam, Ahmed Haidara Ould
2018Gains from multinational competition for crossborder firm acquisitionKoska, Onur A.
2018Keeping up with the e-Joneses: Do online social networks raise social comparisons?Sabatini, Fabio; Sarracino, Francesco
2018Voting with your wallet? Municipal budget policy and election resultsBaert, Stijn; Matthijs, Herman; Verdievel, Ilse
2018SDGs, health and the G20: A vision for public policyNeupane, Sunisha; Boutilier, Zoe; Kickbusch, Ilona; Mehdi, Ali; Sangiorgio, Miriam; Told, Michaela; Taylor, Peter
2018The relationship between the Chinese "going out" strategy and international tradeAbeliansky, Ana Lucia; Martínez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada
2018The Greek crisis: A story of self-reinforcing feedback mechanismsJuselius, Katarina; Dimelis, Sophia
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 61 bis 80 von 785
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