Economics Discussion Papers, Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)

ISSN: 1867-8009

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 785
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Experience goods and provision of qualityKultti, Klaus
2017Optimal inflation target: Insights from an agentbased modelBouchaud, Jean-Philippe; Gualdi, Stanislao; Tarzia, Marco; Zamponi, Francesco
2017The impact of the Basel III liquidity coverage ratio on macroeconomic stability: An agent-based approachLi, Boyao
2017Exchange rate implications of Border Tax Adjustment neutralityBuiter, Willem H.
2017Bobos in paradise: Urban politics and the new economySaint-Paul, Gilles
2017The trust broker game: A three-player trust game with probabilistic returns and information asymmetryTagat, Anirudh; Kapoor, Hansika
2017Adaptation assessment and analysis of economic growth since the market reform in ChinaRen, Chongqiang; Zhai, Guofang; Zhou, Shutian; Li, Shasha; Chen, Wei
2017Adult training in the digital ageGold, Robert; Bode, Eckhardt
2017Foreign capital inflow and its welfare implications in a developing country contextMukherjee, Rudrarup
2017Reexamining the Schmalensee effectKim, Jeong-Yoo
2017Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Despite evidence to the contrary, the American Economic Review concluded that all was well with its archiveMcCullough, Bruce D.
2017Normalized CES supply-side system approach: How to replicate Klump, McAdam, and Willman (Review of Economics and Statistics, 2007)Daniels, Gerald Eric; Kakar, Venoo
2017Key policy actions for sustainable land and water use to serve peoplevon Braun, Joachim; Gulati, Ashok; Kharas, Homi Jamshed
2017Policy experiments in an agent-based model with credit networksAssenza, Tiziana; Cardaci, Alberto; Delli Gatti, Domenico; Grazzini, Jakob
2017When unionisation is profitable for firms in network industriesFanti, Luciano; Buccella, Domenico
2017What determines firms' credit to access in the absence of effective economic institutions: Evidence from ChinaFu, Tong
2017Toward a global norm against manipulating the integrity of financial dataMaurer, Tim; Levite, Ariel; Perkovich, George
2017More financial burden-sharing for developing countries that host refugeesLücke, Matthias; Schneiderheinze, Claas
2017Does rising income inequality affect mortality rates in advanced economies?Rebeira, Mayvis; Grootendorst, Paul V.; Coyte, Peter C.; Aguirregabiria, Victor
2017On the role of vertical differentiation in enhancing the survival of export flows: Evidence from a developing countryTürkcan, Kemal; Saygili, Hülya
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 785
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