Economics Discussion Papers, Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)

ISSN: 1867-8009

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 785
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2018Technological development and software piracyMartínez-Sánchez, Francisco; Romeu, Andrés
2018Civil society in times of change: Shrinking, changing and expanding spaces and the need for new regulatory approachesAnheier, Helmut K.; Lang, Markus; Toepler, Stefan
2018Regional integration and migration between low-and-middle-income countries: Regional initiatives need to be strengthenedSchneiderheinze, Claas; Dick, Eva; Lücke, Matthias; Rahim, Afaf; Schraven, Benjamin; Villa, Matteo
2018China's economic integration with the Greater Mekong Sub-region: An empirical analysis by a panel dynamic gravity modelShahriar, Saleh; Qian, Lu; Kea, Sokvibol
2018Dynamic pricing for inventories with reference price effectsChenavaz, Régis; Paraschiv, Corina
2018Improving quality of life through sustainable energy and urban infrastructure in AfricaMutanga, Shingirirai Savious; Quitzow, Rainer; Steckel, Jan Christoph
2018Data, measurement and initiatives for inclusive digitalization and future of workNofal, María B.; Coremberg, Ariel; Sartorio, Luca
2018Could/should Jubilee debt cancellations be reintroduced today?Hudson, Michael; Goodhart, Charles A. E.
2018Assessing e-commerce productivity for French micro firms using propensity score matchingOuaida, Fadila; El Hajjar, Samer
2018Harnessing the opportunities of inclusive technologies in a global economyBeliz, Gustavo; Basco, Ana Inés; de Azevedo, Belisario
2018The new global agenda and the future of the multilateral development bank systemBhattacharya, Amarendra; Kharas, Homi Jamshed; Plant, Mark; Prizzon, Annalisa
2018Can heterogeneity in reporting behavior explain the gender gap in self-assessed health status?Basar, Dilek; Soytas, Mehmet A.
2018Money circulation and debt circulation: A restatement of quantity theory of moneyXing, Xiaoyun; Xiong, Wanting; Chen, Liujun; Chen, Jiawei; Wang, Yougui; Stanley, H. Eugene
2018How does democracy affect public debt? Evidence from the Arab worldBougharriou, Nouha; Benayed, Walid; Gabsi, Foued Badr
2018Almost first-degree stochastic dominance for transformations and its application in insurance strategyZhao, Feng; Gao, Jianwei; Gu, Yundong
2018Financing "a sustainable food future": Some thoughts for the G20Diaz-Bonilla, Eugenio
2018What drives food price volatility? Evidence based on a generalized VAR approach applied to the food, financial and energy marketsŚmiech, Sławomir; Papież, Monika; Dąbrowski, Marek A.; Fijorek, Kamil
2018Attracting FDI in middle-skilled supply chainsMoran, Theodore; Görg, Holger; Serič, Adnan; Krieger-Boden, Christiane
2018Pollution, green union and network industryFanti, Luciano; Buccella, Domenico
2018Estimating nonlinear intergenerational income mobility with correlation curvesNilsson, Jan Olof William
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 785
Also listed in RePEc / EconPapers